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Take Action: Creating a Personal Action Plan Kristen Mosier, MPH Personal Health Coach.

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Presentation on theme: "Take Action: Creating a Personal Action Plan Kristen Mosier, MPH Personal Health Coach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take Action: Creating a Personal Action Plan Kristen Mosier, MPH Personal Health Coach

2 Wellness is not the absence of disease or the opposite of illness; wellness is rather the presence of well-being and the culmination of life and health-giving practices.

3 The process Develop your wellness vision Assess your current status and determine your next step Create your action plan Experiment and learn

4 Develop your wellness vision What do you value most about your life? What is the relationship between what you value most and your health and well-being? Describe your “best self” What activities support you at your best? Challenges Strengths Supports

5 Clearly state your vision Your vision statement should: – Build upon current successes – Stretch the status quo – Reflect desired changes – Be stated as if it is already true – Compel and energize you! Example: I am strong, lean and 10 pounds lighter. I wake up most mornings with plenty of energy to tackle whatever may come my way. I make it a priority to nourish my body with healthy food, invigorating physical activities and daily meditation.

6 Assess Where are you now in relation to your vision? What will it take to move you closer to your vision? What is already going well that you can build upon? What will be your first step?

7 SMART Goals Specific - what, when, where? Measurable - how much, how often, how long? Actionable – how can you take action on this goal? Realistic – how confident are you that you can accomplish your goal? Time-Based – when will you assess your progress?

8 Create your action plan What will you do? How much or for how long? When? How often? How confident are you that you will meet your goal?

9 Things to consider How can you remind yourself of your goal? – Examples: Outlook reminders, phone alarms, post- it notes When will you assess your progress? How will you celebrate your progress?

10 Final points Set small goals and celebrate your successes Try to maintain balance between structure and flexibility Realize you will likely have setbacks and this is okay! Remember that challenges can provide opportunities to learn and grow Re-evaluate, revise and renew the commitment to your vision on a regular basis Have fun and enjoy the journey!

11 Resources YP4H Buckeye Wellness Personal Health Coaching phone: 614-292-4700 e-mail:

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