 Capacity  Timeframe  PD Contractors’ Role  Delivery Model Logistics Communication  Sustainability.

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4  Capacity  Timeframe  PD Contractors’ Role  Delivery Model Logistics Communication  Sustainability

5 Train staff in all 120 programs Hours /YearSIA Requirements 1000+ hoursFace-to-Face Sessions 200-999 hoursFace-to-Face Sessions or Online SIA Course 0-199 hoursNo required PD

6 Year 3: Focus on Assignments (Unit 3) & Observing Standards-in-Action (Unit 4) Fall – Unit 3 (ELA and Math Combined)Spring- Unit 4 (Program Directors) Year 2: Translating Standards Into Curriculum (Unit 2) English/Language Arts Standards - FallMathematics Standards - Spring Year 1: Understanding the Standards We Teach (Unit 1) English/Language Arts Standards - FallMathematics Standards - Spring

7  Collaborative Center for Literacy Development (CCLD) at University of KY  Adult Education Academy at Morehead State University  National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)  Kentucky Educational Television (KET)

8 Learning Communities




12 Stage 1: Assessing the context for scaling up Stage 2: Garnering stakeholder support Stage 3: Integrating the SIA innovations into the current infrastructure Stage 4: Full implementation!

13 Program materials for the delivery of standards-based instruction  http://kyae.ky.gov/educators/ http://kyae.ky.gov/educators/ http://kyae.ky.gov/educators/contentstandards.htm http://kyae.ky.gov/educators/ccr.htm

14 KYAE SIA Resources  Online courses (10-12 hours) developed and facilitated by the National Center for Family Literacy  English/Language Arts and Mathematics Facilitator Guides  Short videos to accompany the facilitator guides

15 Parting thoughts…  Motivation for change  Instructional Leadership  Completion of SIA Materials  Teaching strategies to support the standards  Sustaining standards-based instruction in all programs

16 http://www.adultedcontentstandards.ed.g ov/standardsInAction.asp

17 KYAE PD Team 502-573-5114 Gayle Box, gayle.box@ky.govgayle.box@ky.gov Joyce Bullock, joyce.bullock@ky.govjoyce.bullock@ky.gov Donna Potter, donna.potter@ky.govdonna.potter@ky.gov  Presentation Video: http://youtu.be/Ug6ztkpx4t8 http://youtu.be/Ug6ztkpx4t8

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