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Vocabulary and Concept Development EDI Standard: 1.4 Students will identify common roots and affixes derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary and Concept Development EDI Standard: 1.4 Students will identify common roots and affixes derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary and Concept Development EDI Standard: 1.4 Students will identify common roots and affixes derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., international).

2 Learning Objective I will know common roots derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words.

3 Activating Prior Knowledge Have you heard the word structure? The root struct means “build.” Can you see the root tract in tractor? The root tract means “pull, drag.” Can you see the root tract in the Spanish word “tractor” or in the English word tractor?

4 Concept Development Root : The fundamental element of a word or form, exclusive of all affixes and inflectional phonetic changes. Root: The root is the part of the word that contains the basic meaning.

5 Concept Development struct : From the Latin word struere meaning “to heap up, build.” tract : From the Latin word tractus meaning “to pull”. struct: Latin root meaning “measure.” tract: Latin root meaning “heat.”

6 Tell your partner what struct means. Struct is a Latin root meaning “build.”

7 Tell your partner what tract means. Tract is a Latin root meaning “pull or drag.”

8 Read the following Latin roots. struct build Latin tract to pull Latin

9 Importance Have you ever been confused about a word and have not been able to figure out its meaning? Have you ever had to use knowledge of word meaning to figure out the meaning of a new or difficult word?

10 Skill Development Read these words: construction contraction extract destructive protractor reconstruct retract traction structure can’t

11 Read these definitions / synonyms:  the power to grip or hold to a surface  to take back or withdraw  tearing down; likely to discourage, ruin destroy, put an end to  to build again, to make over  putting something together, building  a semicircular device used for drawing and measuring angles  to pull out or remove by force TThe arrangement of the parts of a whole; something built, constructed, organized  A A shortening of two words, such as isn’t for “is not”

12 Match the words with the correct definitions or synonyms: construction contraction extract destructive protractor reconstruct retract traction structure  the power to grip or hold to a surface  to take back or withdraw  tearing down; likely to discourage, ruin destroy, put an end to  to build again, to make over  putting something together, building  a semicircular device used for drawing and measuring angles  to pull out or remove by force TThe arrangement of the parts of a whole; something built, constructed, organized AA shortening of two words, such as isn’t for “is not”

13 Answer these questions: 1.What is a root? 2.Does struct as in strucure mean pull or build? 3.What does the root tract mean? 4.What is the root in subtract? 5.What does the root mean?

14 Identify the roots. construction traction contraction structure destructive retract extract reconstruct protractor Guided Practice

15 Meaning in Context Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks in the following paragraph. structure reconstruct protractor traction destructive After a (1) _______________ windstorm blew down their tree house. Tyrone and Lana decided to (2) _______________ it and make it bigger and better. “Let’s draw the new version before we start building.” said Tyrone pulling out paper and pencil. “I want our new tree house to be an impressive (3) ________________.” “If we put it on the big limb on the right,” said Lana, “we’ll need to know the angle it makes with the trunk.” She pulled out her (4) _______________ to get a general idea of the measure of the angle. “Not that limb,” said Tyrone. “I fell from it last year and broke my leg. At the hospital I was hooked up to cords and weights in (5) _________________ to pull the bone straight so that it would heal well. Let’s put the new tree house on the lower limb.” destructive

16 Closure A root is – the part of the word that contains the basic meaning. struct means – struct is a Latin root meaning “build” tract means – tract is a Latin root meaning “pull or drag”

17 Independent Practice Match the bolded word with the best synonym: extract the tooth a. pull b. fill c. drill 2.rapid construction a. carpenters b. destruction c. building 3.retract a claim a. review b. take back c. speak 4.destructive words a. angry b. long c. excited 5. contraction of a muscle a. loosening b. shortening c. firming

18 Extension In the key word extract, the prefix ex- means “out.” To extract a splinter is to pull it out. Match each word that starts with the prefix ex- with its meaning. 1.__ export 2.__ exit 3.__ extend 4.__ exhale a.stretch out b.ship out c.breathe out d.go out b d a c

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