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文法修辭 名詞子句 Dr. Chen z(That /Wh- S1+V1) + V + (that/wh- S2 + V2) z 主詞 受詞 zThe UN reported that the gap between the rich and the poor had been widen _______.

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Presentation on theme: "文法修辭 名詞子句 Dr. Chen z(That /Wh- S1+V1) + V + (that/wh- S2 + V2) z 主詞 受詞 zThe UN reported that the gap between the rich and the poor had been widen _______."— Presentation transcript:


2 文法修辭 名詞子句 Dr. Chen

3 z(That /Wh- S1+V1) + V + (that/wh- S2 + V2) z 主詞 受詞 zThe UN reported that the gap between the rich and the poor had been widen _______ that _____________ many of poor countries is famine and revolution. 功能

4 句型結構 z 限定 N.C. yThat- 子句 : That he was awarded the Nobel Prize is certainly true. yWh- 子句 : Whether he is alive or not is still a question. z 非限定 N.C. y 不定詞 ─ To see is to believe. y 動名詞 ─ Dropping from the 12th floor is a terrible experience.

5 名詞子句作受詞 - 及物動詞之後 zThe whole family decided that they immigrated to US. z to immigrate to the USA. zHe claimed himself to be expert of crime. zWe hate causing you so much trouble. zI don’t know what I can say. --what to say. zI don’t know how I may do it. ----how to do it.  I don’t know where I should go.--- where to go.

6 zThe fact is true. z That 名詞子句 zThe theory that the earth evolved the sun is well-proved. zThe assumption that... zThe notion that... zThe result that…

7 zWhen he comes, I’ll give him the message. zHe was born in an era, when there were endless wars. zI don’t know when he will come. zWhether he comes or not, we definitely go. zWhether he will come is unknown.

8 What 句 型 zWhat is beautiful must be true and right. zWhat he presented his works is shocking. zI cannot catch what the teacher taught. zI don’t know what should be done. zListen to what is emphasized in the lecture. zMake sense of what he said. zWhat 代主詞 / 代受詞

9 名詞子句作主詞用 is evident zThat evolution within the algae began very early is evident.  (= It is evident that evolution within the algae began very early ) zWhether we will go on a picnic is a question. z(= It is a question whether we will go on a picnic) zTo give up the job is a fool. z(=It is a fool to give up the job.)

10 名詞子句作主詞用 zWearing blue jeans is fashionable. z(=It is fashionable to wear blue jeans.) zWhat happened to his family frightened him.  It frightened him ______ what happened to his family.

11 名詞子句作受詞 - 介係詞之後 zI'm interested in what he talked about. zI am tired of being treated as a child. zI am surprised at John's making this error. z(= I am surprised that John made this error. ) zI am not sure of who will be at the party. zPrep. 不接 that 子句、 to 片語 zI am interested in that he has done. (X)

12 名詞子句作補語 - be 動詞之後 zWhat the kids need is that their parents z concern. zWhat I said is what I meant. zThe question is whether I should z accept his offer. zMy purpose is to succeed. zSeeing is believing.

13 名詞子句作補語 - 受詞補語 zI saw John where he should not be. zHe denied the rumor that he has been arrested. zI gave my wife whatever she wanted. z(He denied the rumor that was reported by the TTV News.

14 名詞子句作補語 - 形容詞補語 zWe were convinced that he was suitable for z (=believe ) the job. zI am not sure when he will return. zI am glad to work with you. zKids are happy playing computer games.

15 名詞子句作補語 - 形容詞補語 zI am surprised that they will get married. z at their marriage. zI am sure that he will come. z of his arrival. zI am not aware how he thinks about the issue. z of his thought.

16 同位語 (appositive)  限定同位語 zElizabeth the Queen ruled with an iron hand. zPeter the Great  The fact that he won the election is proved.

17 同位語 (appositive) z 確認 : A popular major, Al Jackson was able to redirect the city’s priorities. z 命名 : The new invention, Bubble Jet Printer, seemed quite useful. z 指派 : John Harvard, the founder of Harvard University, had a very keen interest in theology.

18 同位語 (appositive) z 同義 : The lift, or elevator, is an antique. z 舉例 : We traveled several European cities, z such as Rome, Greece, Paris. z 關係全句 (Sentential relative clause) ‧ It was raining hard, which kept me indoors. ‧ She couldn’t come to the party, which was a pity.

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