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Ivan Čačić cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Ivan Čačić cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 MSc Ivan Čačić, Director President of the WMO Region VI (Europe) WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre from Need to Action Zagreb, 17 th May 2012

2 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 CONTENT 1. How to reach marine information 1. How to reach marine information 2. How it started and evolved 2. How it started and evolved 3. Current status and results 3. Current status and results

3 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 1.How to reach marine information Different kind of WEB portals, languages, possibilities Different kind of WEB portals, languages, possibilities Slovenia Bosnia and Herzegovina Albania Croatia Montenegro

4 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 1.How to reach marine information Different kind of WEB portals, languages, possibilities Different kind of WEB portals, languages, possibilities Italy Greece Bulgaria Romania

5 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 Different data and products Different data and products 1.How to reach marine information PLIMA I OSEKA Prognoza za Luku Bar Slovenia Croatia Montenegro Bosnia and Herzegovina Albania

6 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 Different data and products Different data and products 1.How to reach marine information Italy Greece BulgariaRomania

7 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 2.How it started and evolved WMO Office for Europe initiative Explore NMHSs investment to building capacities of the Explore NMHSs investment to building capacities of the sub-regional centres of excellence in order to sub-regional centres of excellence in order to prevent risk of the Single European Sky “sindrome” that prevent risk of the Single European Sky “sindrome” that could endanger the role of NMHS, particular in developing could endanger the role of NMHS, particular in developing countries, by possibility of eventual apperance of a single EU countries, by possibility of eventual apperance of a single EU Meteorological Service Meteorological Service preserve sustainability of the NMHS performance preserve sustainability of the NMHS performance Build up centres of excellens as a core of the member Build up centres of excellens as a core of the member partners (NMHSs) consortium to respond to the partners (NMHSs) consortium to respond to the specific country needs specific country needs country strategic goals in the sub-regional context country strategic goals in the sub-regional context 2005

8 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012  Regional instrument centre – RIC (Ljubljana, Slovenia)  Sub-regional drought management centre for SE Europe (Slovenia, Romania,...) for SE Europe (Slovenia, Romania,...) Ongoing projects Pilot projects  Sub-regional marine meteorological centre for Eastern Adriatic centre for Eastern Adriatic (Split, Croatia) (Split, Croatia)  Sub-regional marine meteorological centre for Black Sea (Bulgaria, Romania) for Black Sea (Bulgaria, Romania)  Regional agrometeorology centre (Chisinau, Moldova) centre (Chisinau, Moldova) Informal Conference of Directors for South-East Europe (ICEED) 2.How it started and evolved  Sub-regional GCOS training centre for usage of satellite data in climate monitoring (Zagreb, Croatia)  Sub-regional climate centre (Belgrade, Serbia)  Regional education and training centre on NWP in SEE training centre on NWP in SEE (Bucharest, Romania) (Bucharest, Romania)  Sub-regional hydrology centre (Ohrid, FRY Macedonia) (Ohrid, FRY Macedonia) Main outcomes and recommendations May, 2006 ICEED welcomed the creation of such a centre of excellence located in Croatia

9 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 DHMZ – activities for establishing the WIS DCPC MMC the WIS DCPC MMC 2.How it started and evolved October, 2006 unanimous support of foundation of unanimous support of foundation of Sub-Regional Marine meteorological center commitment for future cooperation commitment for future cooperation with DHMZ to achieve this goal with DHMZ to achieve this goal DHMZ initiated the procedure for DHMZ initiated the procedure for cost benefit study for Sub-Regional cost benefit study for Sub-Regional Marine Meteorological Centre Marine Meteorological Centre The first meeting of the interested parties from Croatia Podstrana near Split Representatives of all institutions whose activities are connected to naval meteorology  National Meteorological and Hydrological Service  Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries  Croatian Hydrographic Institute  Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb  State Directorate on Resque and Protection  Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and infrastructure  Croatian Navy  Plovput d.o.o. Split  Faculty of Maritime Studies, Universitiy of Split  Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka

10 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 2.How it started and evolved October, 2007 ICEED Members supported the proposal ICEED Members supported the proposal that: that: Sub-Regional Marine meteorological Sub-Regional Marine meteorological center should seek recognition under the center should seek recognition under the WMO Information System (WIS) WMO Information System (WIS) as an official as an official Data Collection or Production Centre Data Collection or Production Centre (DCPC) for the Eastern Adriatic (DCPC) for the Eastern Adriatic 2007 ICEED Meeting, Belgrade, Serbia DHMZ – activities for establishing the WIS DCPC MMC the WIS DCPC MMC November, 2007 Dr Robert Sherman, establisher and first co-president of the JCOMM, has been engaged for producing a Feasibility study for the Specialised Marine Meteorological Centre as the WIS-DCPC Entity

11 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 2.How it started and evolved Conclusions Conclusions DHMZ should be able to develop improved services DHMZ should be able to develop improved services consistent with a centre of excellence for marine consistent with a centre of excellence for marine meteorology meteorology Cooperation with other agencies, particularly the Cooperation with other agencies, particularly the Hydrographic Institute and Institute of Oceanography Hydrographic Institute and Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, will be essential in developing future and Fisheries, will be essential in developing future products products It is essential that the number of graduate staff be It is essential that the number of graduate staff be increased and provide a 24 hour service increased and provide a 24 hour service DHMZ Marine Office in Split, and its satellite office in DHMZ Marine Office in Split, and its satellite office in Rijeka, is well placed geographically, technically and by Rijeka, is well placed geographically, technically and by inclination, to become The Centre for Marine Meteorology in inclination, to become The Centre for Marine Meteorology in the Adriatic the Adriatic DHMZ – activities for establishing the WIS DCPC MMC the WIS DCPC MMC R.J. Shearman Potential for the Creation of a Specialized Marine Meteorological Centre for the Eastern Adriatic as the WIS-DCPC Entity in the Republic of Croatia The Feasibility Study was completed May, 2008

12 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 2.How it started and evolved Acceptance of the application by the WMO - CBS XIV (Dubrovnik, Acceptance of the application by the WMO - CBS XIV (Dubrovnik, Croatia) by the ANNEX VIII to paragraph 9.5 of the General Summary Croatia) by the ANNEX VIII to paragraph 9.5 of the General Summary List of identified List of identified 100 WIS centres from over 35 countries and their functions 100 WIS centres from over 35 countries and their functions for demonstration of their WIS capabilities for demonstration of their WIS capabilities DHMZ – activities for establishing the WIS DCPC MMC the WIS DCPC MMC December, 2008 Application to WMO as potential WIS-DCPC for Marine Meteorology in Croatia Initiative also recognized in the ANNEX C (ER7) of the WMO RA VI Strategic Plan (2008 – 2011) that was approved in 2009 March, 2009

13 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 2.How it started and evolved DHMZ – activities for establishing the WIS DCPC MMC the WIS DCPC MMC November, 2009 10.1.4The Commission noted that WIS had moved from development to implementation and thanked the Members/Member States from/such as... Croatia for their initiative in having their ocean and marine centres identified early as WIS DCPC. Recognition of the initiative by the Doc 10.1 at the JCOMM III (Marrakech, Morocco) May, 2011 Follow up designation process as the WIS DCPC MMC at the 16 th WMO Congress Cg-XVI, Annex to draft Resolution 11.4/1 Table 4: Centres that have registered to be considered for the role of GISC and/or DCPC of the WIS, but for which the demonstration of pre- operational compliance requirements had not been completed at the time of submitting papers to Sixteenth Congress

14 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 3.Current status and results DHMZ – activities in marine meteorology Activities mostly trough the Marine Meteorological Centre (Offices Split and Rijeka) to facilitate production and distribution of reliable forecasts warnings and other information related to sea weather climate in the Adriatic area DHMZ – Weather Analysis and Forecast Division Department MMC Office Marine Meteorological Centre Department

15 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 Activities are based upon Safety of Life at Sea - SOLAS Convention.Activities are based upon Safety of Life at Sea - SOLAS Convention. The weather bulletin is issued regularly three times per day:The weather bulletin is issued regularly three times per day: warnings warnings brief synoptic analysis brief synoptic analysis weather forecast weather forecast visibility and sea state visibility and sea state weather reports from weather reports from the selected stations the selected stations DHMZ – activities in marine meteorology 3.Current status and results Marine Meteorological Centre

16 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 Specific data and products for different usersSpecific data and products for different users DHMZ – activities in marine meteorology 3.Current status and results Marine Meteorological Centre 18,5 o C 20,4 o C 22,4 o C 11 th May 2012 15 UTC Sea surface temperature Island Mljet

17 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 DHMZ – activities in marine meteorology 3.Current status and results Marine Meteorological Centre Sea surface temperatiresSea surface temperatires Synoptic chartSynoptic chart 10 m Wind gust field10 m Wind gust field (12Z 11May 2012 UTC + 36h) (12Z 11May 2012 UTC + 36h)

18 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 WIS DCPC recognition process by the DWD GISC assistance 3.Current status and results WIS Workshop DWD-DHMZ in Offenbach, Germany with the conclusions DHMZ Croatia is going to connect as a WIS-NC (National Centre) to GISC Offenbach as principal GISC DHMZ will edit the WIS Metadata at GISC Offenbach DHMZ is going to implement the Marine Meteorology Centre as a DCPC by in-house development together with students from universities Promising open-source tool for file transfer at DHMZ IS the Automatic File Distributor AFD Letter the PR of Croatia to the WMO Secretary General announcing that: DHMZ fulfills requirements for WIS NC DHMZ NC is ready to be active and operational The principal GISC is at DWD Offenbach Focal point for WIS DCPC at DHMZ is Mrs. Klarić Dijana Activities in forming the DCPC Marine Meteorology Centre are ongoing February, 2012 GISC - Global Information System Centre DWD - Deutcher WetterDienst

19 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 WIS DCPC recognition process by the WMO Start Jump assistance 3.Current status and results April, 2012 Four day Start Jump assistance by Mr. Timo Pröscholdt, WMO Programme Officer, WMO Information System (WIS) Outcomes Assistance in DCPC certificate accomplisment Fulfillment of the WIS Questionnaire for the accomplishment of the DCPC candidature Building up DCPC data and product inventory including metadata (essential data and additional data with pointers to products source) Building up DCPC Data organization and architecture supporting metadata form and international exchange Building up DCPC WEB portal (basic configuration) with integrated data, products and metadata

20 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 WIS DCPC recognition process by the WMO Start Jump assistance 3.Current status and results Outcomes Assistance in DCPC performance Data and products exchange on the sub-regional level as well as the way of communication (e.g. RMDCN, INTERNET) Establishment of the DCPC contact (e-mail): DCPC templates for marine data and products (e.g. Marine comprise templates for marine reports are caring, Adriatic include templets for numerical model products) Trial Adriatic User List of Products boats and nautical toursime general nautical safety costal area Trial Essential Numerical Models Products wind and wind gust (speed and direction) from ALADIN waves (height, speed and direction) downscaling from ECMWF

21 Ivan Čačić cacic @ cirus. Meteorological and Hydrological Service WMO RA VI Workshop on establishing WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Marine Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility for Adriatic Sea Area, Zagreb, 17th May 2012 Thank you Follow up (DCPC WEB portal with data and products) in the Presentation 2

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