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Jeopardy Game Version 10.2 by Allison crawford modified by John Christie 100 Things British thinkers Textbook 144-148 Glorious Rev. 1 Glorious Rev. 2 200.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Game Version 10.2 by Allison crawford modified by John Christie 100 Things British thinkers Textbook 144-148 Glorious Rev. 1 Glorious Rev. 2 200."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Game Version 10.2 by Allison crawford modified by John Christie 100 Things British thinkers Textbook 144-148 Glorious Rev. 1 Glorious Rev. 2 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500

2 1215, this document was this first to limit the power of the king. Question

3 In this 17 th century revolution, King James II was replaced by William and Mary at the request of parliament. Question

4 This type of government was created after the Glorious Revolution. Question

5 The idea that the king was given their power to rule directly from God. Question

6 This man was responsible for the idea that government should protect people’s rights. Question

7 Freedom of religion and freedom of speech were two of his most important ideas. Question

8 The United States has 3 different branches of government because of this philosopher’s ideas. Question

9 This philosopher who wrote the social contract in 1762 believed that free individuals should create a government. Question

10 He believed that people have a right to overthrow governments that do not protect natural rights. Question

11 He wrote Leviathan,and believed that people were selfish and cruel. Question

12 How did the Scientific Revolution lead to enlightenment? Question

13 What did the philosophes do to influence the ideas of society? Question

14 What was rousseau’s idea regarding the rights of individuals vs. the rights of society? Question

15 This person believed women had equal rights to men. Question

16 This is the title given to a period of time characterized by a revolution in thinking. Question

17 This King died and was replaced in 1685 by his brother. Question

18 True or False One dramatic event that led to the Glorious Revolution was the birth of a son to James II. Question

19 This was the type of government that existed when James II became the king of england. Question

20 How did the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and its aftermath ensure that the English monarchy would thereafter be limited in power? Question

21 What did Parliament do to ensure that the rights of Englishmen would be protected under the rule of William and Mary, as well as all future monarchs? Question

22 This group invited william and mary to return to england because they were losing so much authority to James II. Question

23 This form of government replaced the limited monarchy after the glorious revolution. Question

24 This event changed the plans for William and Mary to assume the throne after James II died- waaaaa. Question

25 This is one of two things James II did that upset Parliament and the english Anglicans. Question

26 This is the most important and lasting document to come out of the Glorious revolution- it makes the revolution glorious!!!!!!!! Question

27 What is the Magna Carta?

28 What is the Glorious Revolution?

29 What is Constitutional Monarchy?

30 What is Divine Rights of Kings?

31 Who is John Locke ?

32 Who is Voltaire?

33 Who is Montesqieu?

34 The rights of society were more important? Do you agree or disagree?

35 Who is Rousseau?

36 Who is Locke?

37 Who is Hobbes?

38 If people could reason to solve science, then maybe other things as well.

39 They published books and spoke against oppression of governments?

40 Who was mary wollstonegraft?

41 What is the Enlightenment?

42 Who was Charles II?

43 True

44 What is a limited monarchy?

45 The monarch was now subject to rule of law

46 They passed the English Bill of Rights

47 Who was parliament?

48 What is a constitutional monarchy?

49 What is the birth of a son?

50 What is repeals the test act or appoints Catholics to high office?

51 What is the English bill of rights?

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