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Plot is the literary element that describes how fictional stories are usually organized. What is plot?

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Presentation on theme: "Plot is the literary element that describes how fictional stories are usually organized. What is plot?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plot is the literary element that describes how fictional stories are usually organized. What is plot?

2 Components of Plot Exposition: introduced to characters and setting (warm- up)

3 Example: The Giver Exposition: Protagonist: Jonas Setting: Community, Future P.O.V: 3 rd person-limited

4 Components of Plot Exposition: introduced to characters and setting (warm- up) Inciting Moment: Event that moves reader into the rising action. The story would not take place without this moment.

5 Example: The Giver Exposition: Protagonist: Jonas Setting: Community P.O.V: 3 rd person-limited Inciting Moment: Jonas is selected as Receiver of Memory.

6 Components of Plot Exposition: introduced to characters and setting (warm- up) Rising Action: events focus on the conflict or problem. Inciting Moment

7 Conflict Conflict is the dramatic struggle between two forces in a story. Without conflict, there is no plot.

8 Types of Conflict Character vs Nature Character vs Society Character vs Self Internal Conflict Character vs. Character External Conflict

9 Example: The Giver Exposition: Protagonist: Jonas Setting: Community P.O.V: 3 rd person-limited Inciting Moment Rising Action: Jonas learning about the “real world” through the memories MAIN conflict: Jonas disagrees with the ways of the Community Type: Person vs. Society Directly related

10 Components of Plot Exposition: the part of the story where you are introduced to characters and setting (warm-up) Rising Action: events focus on the conflict or problem. Climax: the turning point, when the focus switches from the problem to the solution. Inciting Moment Directly related Directly related MAIN conflict: problem that drives the plot Types: ch. vs ch./nature/society/self

11 Example: The Giver Exposition: Protagonist: Jonas Setting: Community P.O.V: 3 rd person-limited Inciting Moment Rising Action: Jonas learning about the “real world” through the memories MAIN conflict: Jonas disagrees with the ways of the Community Type: Person vs. Society Directly related Climax: Jonas and the Giver decide to make a plan to change the Community Directly related

12 Components of Plot Exposition: the part of the story where you are introduced to characters and setting (warm-up) Rising Action: events focus on the conflict or problem. Climax: the turning point, when the focus switches from the problem to the solution. Falling Action: focuses on solving the problem Inciting Moment Directly related Directly related MAIN conflict: problem that drives the plot Types: ch. vs ch./nature/society/self

13 Example: The Giver Exposition: Protagonist: Jonas Setting: Community P.O.V: 3 rd person-limited Inciting Moment Rising Action: Jonas learning about the “real world” through the memories MAIN conflict: Jonas disagrees with the ways of the Community Type: Person vs. Society Directly related Climax: Jonas and the Giver decide to make a plan to change the Community Directly related Falling Action: Jonas and the Giver carry out the plan.

14 Components of Plot Exposition: the part of the story where you are introduced to characters and setting (warm-up) Rising Action: events focus on the conflict or problem. Climax: the turning point, when the focus switches from the problem to the solution. Falling Action: focuses on solving the problem Inciting Moment Directly related Directly related MAIN conflict: problem that drives the plot Types: ch. vs ch./nature/society/self Resolution: conflict has been solved or deemed unsolvable not always IN the book –reader’s infer resolution

15 Example: The Giver Exposition: Protagonist: Jonas Setting: Community P.O.V: 3 rd person-limited Inciting Moment Rising Action: Jonas learning about the “real world” through the memories MAIN conflict: Jonas disagrees with the ways of the Community Type: Person vs. Society Directly related Climax: Jonas and the Giver decide to make a plan to change the Community Directly related Falling Action: Jonas and the Giver carry out the plan. Resolution: Jonas and Gabe find new place to live and Community is changed Directly related


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