Clipboards will be passed around during the meeting. Please do not leave until you have provided the cell phone number where you can be reached throughout.

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Presentation on theme: "Clipboards will be passed around during the meeting. Please do not leave until you have provided the cell phone number where you can be reached throughout."— Presentation transcript:


2 Clipboards will be passed around during the meeting. Please do not leave until you have provided the cell phone number where you can be reached throughout the entire Disney trip.

3 Remind101 is a one-way text messaging and email system. All personal information remains completely confidential. We will send out daily itinerary reminders (performance & report times, curfew/check-in times, etc.)

4 To receive messages via text: Text: @2014disney To: (267) 613-9024 To receive messages via email: send an email to: You will receive a Text/Email response verifying enrollment. Texts/Emails will not be sent after the conclusion of the trip!

5 All adults who attend will be asked to help in a chaperoning role. Chaperones are responsible for checking in with their group throughout the day and knowing which park their group is in. (A text message or phone call is fine.) I understand that I am representing my school, my community, and my family and will do so with my best attitude, conduct, and effort. I will be courteous and respectful of everyone on the trip including other hotel guests, all directors, bus drivers, students, and fellow chaperones from my school and other schools. This is an alcohol free trip.

6 Curfew check-in the 1 st night Chaperones are responsible for giving their cell phone numbers to the students assigned to them. Students will contact you in the event of an emergency, then you are to decide whether or not to contact a director.

7 Chaperones will be provided with a card containing the cell phone numbers for their assigned students & the directors.

8 All clearances (for adults) must be on file with the School District prior to departure. Mr. Brumbaugh contacted those who have not yet turned in their forms.

9 Everyone on this trip must turn in a medical form. All forms are to be submitted no later than Friday, April 4 th. Blank copies are available this evening.

10 I understand that I am representing my school, my community, and my family and will do so with my best attitude, conduct, and effort. I will be courteous and respectful of everyone on the trip including other hotel guests, all directors, bus drivers, chaperones, and fellow students from my school and other schools. Any accidents, injuries, or illnesses should be reported immediately to my chaperone. I will be on time and attend all mandatory meeting times and performances listed in the schedule.

11 I will not leave Disney property for any reason. I will abide by all school and trip rules while on this trip. Serious infractions may result in being sent home at your parent/guardian’s expense and or accepting any further discipline consequences given by my school district upon my return. Should the infraction involve any illegal activity, the police of the jurisdiction where the infraction is discovered will be notified. Students shall follow all drug and alcohol rules as defined in their student handbooks. Student behavior in school and during all school-sponsored activities shall be in accordance with everyone’s school rules and policies as outlined in each school’s student handbook. Students must attend school prior to the trip, and immediately following the trip.

12 I understand there will be NO boys in girls’ rooms and NO girls in boys’ rooms. I will not be allowed to change rooms without permission of my director. I will respect the hotel property as well as the belongings of my roommate. All set curfew and meetings times must be adhered to.

13 Once in Disney: Your assigned chaperone will touch base a minimum of 3 times throughout each day. Do not lose your meal vouchers or park tickets! If an emergency arises…Call your assigned chaperone immediately!

14 Vouchers will be distributed to each room at the evening bed check-in. Voucher Values: Breakfast: $11 Lunch: $16 Dinner: $16

15 PARK HOPPER RULE - Friday and Saturday are the days you may use your park hopper passes to make your own park schedule (Marching Band and Chorus – be aware of your performance times on Saturday). Thursday and Sunday are short days and therefore we are not allowing park hopping on those days. HOME PARK - The home park each day will be the park where most of our students will be located. Many times this depends on performances or meeting times. If you do not have a performance, you are not required to be in this park. The home park will be considered our home base location for the day. Please remember, Thursday and Sunday are non-park hopper days.

16 Assignments are done! Bus lists were compiled based on individual ensemble lists. One bus is designated strictly as a Middle School bus. Each bus has a minimum of 10 chaperones. The bus list will be posted on Mr. B’s wiki.

17 All suitcases and instruments must be clearly labeled with NAME and SCHOOL DISTRICT. Remove anything from your instrument cases that you won’t need. Be sure to pack extra reeds or valve oil.

18 6:00pm Mandatory Meeting in the High School Auditorium for everyone attending the trip. We will review the guidelines and the schedule for the trip and review the process for the Wednesday departure. Please bring suitcases and instruments to this meeting. The auditorium will be locked all night until we depart the next day (This way you do not need to bring these to school with you on Wednesday).

19 You must report to school at your regular time. You will be excused at 11:30am to eat lunch in the cafeteria. (5 th period) Please meet in Mrs. C’s room at 12:00pm with your carry-on. We will board a bus to travel to the HS for departure.

20 You must report to school at your regular time. You will need to eat either 1 st or 2 nd lunch and will be dismissed at 12:15 for a meeting in the auditorium.

21 Report to the High School auditorium no later than 12:15pm. Parking will not be available at the HS – please arrange to be dropped off.

22 1:00pm - Depart Westmont for Florida! Rest stops will occur roughly every 2 hours or so including meals. Meal and snack stops will be at your own expense. We will stop for dinner and breakfast before arriving at our Disney resort.

23 1 suitcase for below the bus & 1 small carry-on that will fit in the overhead compartment on the bus. There will be no open bus seats for luggage! Snacks and bottled water are strongly encouraged for the travel days!

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