Do Now for 6/10/13 Open books to page D-69 HW: Complete Group Procedure.

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1 Do Now for 6/10/13 Open books to page D-69 HW: Complete Group Procedure

2 D66 Connecting Circuits Introduce activity and read background (page D-69) Complete Part A Design your own procedure for second part of Part A

3 D66 Connecting Circuits What places in your home have electrical circuits? – Circuit – Any path along which electrical energy can transfer. A circuit depends on the quality of the materials it’s made of to conduct electricity. – Electricity flows easier through conductors. – In general, materials that are good heat conductors are also good electrical conductors.

4 D66 Connecting Circuits We will be exploring the which materials are good electrical conductors in Part A. – Build a simple electrical circuit. Draw a diagram of the completed circuit using the symbols on page D-70

5 D66 Connecting Circuits Diagram of a simple circuit that we created using the symbols from page D-70. Battery Wire Light bulb

6 D66 Connecting Circuits – Design a procedure and data table to test which materials conduct electricity (steps 4,5,6.) – Complete student designed procedure for HW

7 D66 Connecting Circuits – Qualities of a good procedure. Clearly written Concise (direct and to the point) Each step has a specific purpose towards completing the task. Allows us to gather the information needed quickly and easily. THE READER MUST ALSO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE LAB!!!

8 Do Now for 6/12/13 Take out your procedure HW: Analysis 1 and 2

9 D66 Connecting Circuits Check HW Review Procedures – Your procedure must be approved by me prior to starting. Gather materials Gather data (Steps 5 and 6) Return your materials and begin Part B (Steps 7 through 11) – Make sure you make and record observations in steps 8,9, and 10 Clean up – make sure all materials are returned to their proper locations. Discuss results Analysis 1 and 2

10 D66 Connecting Circuits- Sample Data Table MaterialConductivity PredictionConductivity as Tested with the Motor

11 D66 Connecting Circuits – Sample Data Yes, spins Yes, Spins

12 D66 Connecting Circuits 1. Which materials were the best conductors? Explain how you know these materials conducted electricity better than other materials. – The metals were all good conductors, and other materials were not. Students should have found that the aluminum strip, copper strip, iron strip, zinc strip, magnesium ribbon and carbon rod were all conductors. The glass rod, granite piece, polystyrene plastic strip, ceramic tile, and wood were insulators.

13 D66 Connecting Circuits 2. Describe the transfer and transformation of energy involved in a battery that lights up a bulb and runs a motor in a circuit. – Energy is transformed in the battery from potential chemical energy to electrical energy. Through conducting wires, the energy is transferred to the bulb and motor. At the bulb, the electrical energy is transformed into light and heat. At the motor, electrical energy is transformed into motion. The light, heat, and motion are transferred to our senses, and we see, hear, and feel the energy.

14 Do Now for 1/6/12 Take out HW HW: Complete 3, 4

15 D66 Connecting Circuits Check and discuss HW Review Procedure for Part B Gather data Discuss results Analysis 3 and 4

16 D66 Connecting Circuits – Compare what happens when bulbs are added or removed from series or parallel circuits. – Complete steps 12 through 17. Make sure you make and record observations in steps 13 through 17. – Clean up – Analysis 3 and 4

17 Series and Parallel circuits are not the same. Series When you remove a bulb from a series, all the other bulbs go out. As you add bulbs to a series circuit, they all get dimmer. Only one path for the electricity to travel. Parallel When you remove a bulb from a parallel, all the other bulbs stay lit. All the bulbs in a parallel circuit glow the same. Multiple paths for the electricity to travel.

18 D66 Connecting Circuits 3. Create a larger version of the Venn diagram shown below. Record the similarities of series and parallel circuits in the space that overlaps. In the labeled spaces that do not overlap, record differences between the circuits.

19 D66 Connecting Circuits

20 4. Holiday lights are light bulbs that are wired in a parallel circuit. Why is this a better idea than putting them in series? – Lights, such as holiday lights, are often wired in parallel because if one bulb burns out, the others are not affected. If they were to be in series, one burned bulb would turn off the whole strand, and each light would have to be checked to determine which one is out.

21 D66 Connecting Circuits – Key Concepts 1. Electrical circuits are a means of transferring electrical energy. 2. Students apply evidence when developing descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models.

22 D66 Connecting Circuits - Vocabulary 1. Circuit: A path along which electrical energy can transfer. 2. Parallel circuit: A circuit in which the components are set up so that the electrical energy has more than one conducting path from the electrical source. 3. Series: Anything that consists of a set of successive components arranged end-to-end. See series circuit. 4. Series circuit: A circuit in which the components of the circuit are connected in succession to the power source so there is only one path for the electrical energy in the circuit.

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