Lakewood City Schools Elementary Schools.  Intentional aggressive behavior that involves an imbalance of power  Typically repeated over time  Can take.

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Presentation on theme: "Lakewood City Schools Elementary Schools.  Intentional aggressive behavior that involves an imbalance of power  Typically repeated over time  Can take."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lakewood City Schools Elementary Schools

2  Intentional aggressive behavior that involves an imbalance of power  Typically repeated over time  Can take on many different forms: physical, verbal, nonverbal or emotional, cyber  Conflict is not bullying. Bullying involves an imbalance of power, but conflicts are disagreements or fights between people over issues.

3  Our guidance program. Many activities kindergarten through 5 th grade incorporate anti- bullying strategies.  School-wide Programs  District/community programs  Specific, short-term programming to educate and guide students, staff and parents

4  Kindergarten – Personal safety rules; Social skills  1 st Grade – Assertiveness skills; Developing understanding self and others; Basic conflict resolution  2 nd Grade – Kelso Program: some tenets include learning to speak up for self and others, creating a peaceful school and environment

5  3 rd Grade – How to deal with bullying and teasing activities; Empathy training and empathy skills  4 th Grade – “Stand Tall For All” anti-bullying unit, six discrete lessons which give techniques, skills and solutions for coping with bullies, teasers and other difficult situations  5 th Grade – Continue “Stand Tall For All” lessons; Small group guidance based on need and topic

6  Peacebuilder Program  Project Pride  PBS (Positive Behavior Supports) Programs  Common Area Expectations are displayed and articulated in every elementary school

7  DARE program for 5 th graders. Responsible decision making  Parent Resource Coordinators. Provide support and resources for parents & families on variety of issues  Berea Children’s Home & Belfaire. Agreements with both to provide additional support for select students and families

8  National initiative from November 15- November 19 that Lakewood Elementary Schools are participating in  Focus on what bullying is, how to handle it and the role of bystanders  Combination of videos, lessons and activities

9  Be aware of possible warning signs  Talk with your child. Ask them questions about friends, where they sit at lunch, who they play with at recess, and about kids they do not like.  Talk with your child’s teacher. Ask them questions about how they are interacting with others and how do they spend free time.  Talk with guidance counselor and/or principal.

10  Continue to address the variety of student needs in our schools today  District improvement goals have climate strategies. A school’s climate and overall building programming is one of the most effective preventative measures in curbing this issue  Continue to educate our students, teachers, and parents on this topic

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