Every Week Counts Learning Collaborative Infant Safe Sleep Workgroup.

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1 Every Week Counts Learning Collaborative Infant Safe Sleep Workgroup

2 Julie Dillard, LMSW Public Health Social Work Coordinator SIDS/Infant Safe Sleep Coordinator Maternal and Child Health Service Oklahoma State Department of Health julied@health.ok.gov 405-271-9444 x 56931

3  The workgroup’s focus is to provide professionals, parents, and caregivers with consistent, evidence based, culturally and linguistically appropriate infant safe sleep guidelines that, if followed, would reduce Oklahoma’s infant mortality rate. ◦ SIDS is a leading cause of death of infants in the postneonatal period. ◦ In addition to SIDS, many infants in Oklahoma die from preventable causes related to unsafe sleep environments.

4  Place infant on his back to sleep  Do not smoke or allow smoking around infant  Place infant in his own separate, safe sleep area  Place infant in a safety-approved crib with a firm mattress and well-fitting sheet

5  Keep soft objects and loose bedding out of crib  Do not cover infant’s head with blankets  Talk to all caregivers about safe sleep  Have supervised “tummy time” for infant who is awake

6 Be a Role Model:  New parents value your advice and will follow your example  Encourage parents to stick with Safe Sleep Guidelines at home!  Demonstrate the back sleeping position to parents  Keep up-to-date with information regarding safe sleep practices

7  Two-thirds (66%) of mothers report placing their infant to sleep on its back most of the time.  Most Oklahoma infants (53%) bed shared sometimes, and only 28% of infants never shared a sleep surface.  One-quarter (25%) of mothers do not recall their prenatal health care provider talking to them about the safest way for their baby to sleep. Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) 2010

8  Developed culturally/linguistically appropriate brochures  Surveyed nurses in birthing hospitals  Created online education tools for professionals  Identified sample policies for WBUs and NICUs  Designed webpages for the Preparing for a Lifetime initiative

9  Increase the percentage of infants placed to sleep on their backs to 75.9 percent (Healthy People 2020 National goal)  Increase the percent of OK birthing hospitals that have a written safe sleep policy consistent with AAP guidelines to 15% (by September 30, 2013)

10  Hospital outreach  Distribution of Model Behavior Policy and other sample policies for hospitals  Promotion of online infant safe sleep training  Provision of technical assistance and support

11 1. Implement routine staff training on current AAP guidelines for infant safe sleep. 2. Provide infant safe sleep education to all caregivers of infants prior to discharge (consistent with AAP guidelines). 3. Adopt a written hospital policy addressing the need for consistent parent education and staff training/behavior modeling.


13 Training on infant safe sleep has been provided in 11 of the 13 delivery hospitals. Over 500 nurses have received live training. 3 of 13 hospitals are currently adopting a safe sleep policy and utilizing safe sleep sacks in their newborn nurseries. 3 hospitals now require their nurses to sign a Safe Sleep Commitment annually. *These numbers include delivery hospitals in Oklahoma, Cleveland, Canadian and Logan Counties.


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