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Renaissance Art Ms. Pugh

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1 Renaissance Art Ms. Pugh
Some slides have been adapted from other teacher’s PPTs. Special thanks to net for some of these slides.

2 What was the Renaissance?
Period following the middle ages ( ) “Rebirth” of classical Greece and Rome Began in Italy Moved to northern Europe Rejection of the Middle Age’s emphasis on religion

3 Renaissance Art Art in the Renaissance was reborn due to the influence of several factors.. Return to the Greeks & Romans Scientific Revolution leads to greater understanding of anatomy and perspective = more realistic paintings. New idea of self and human achievement as new continents were discovered and conquered. Protestant Reformation allowed for individual artists to question traditional teaching.

4 Characteristics of Renaissance Culture and Art
Humanism – glorification of human achievements Individualism – role of individual in society without need to associate with religious or family group


6 Lorenzo the Magnificent
Cosimo de Medici

7 Florence Under the Medici
Medici Chapel The Medici Palace

8 The Early Renaissance Began in Florence, Italy.
The first major artists of this period were Masaccio, Donatello, and Botticelli. Rejected art of the Middle Ages

9 Glorified Art of the Classical Age

10 Painting During the Middle Ages

11 Brunelleschi’s Dome


13 Dome Comparisons Il Duomo St. Peter’s St. Paul’s US capital (Florence) (Rome) (London) (Washington)

14 Masaccio First since Giotto to paint the human figure as a real human being. He made figures stand upon their feet. Brought shadows into paintings.

15 First use of linear perspective!
The Trinity Masaccio 1427 What you are, I once was; what I am, you will become.

16 Donatello First free standing sculpture since the Classical Era (Greek & Roman) Normally figure has all his weight on one leg (S form).

17 Botticelli Brings back Classical mythology as acceptable themes in painting.

18 The High Renaissance Centered in Rome and Venice
Focused on composition, ideal proportions, and perspective The most famous were: Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Titian

19 Leonardo Da Vinci 1452 - 1519 Renaissance Man
Less than 20 of his paintings survive His most famous are the Mona Lisa and Last Supper

20 Mona Lisa Used chiarascuro to model figures – use of light and dark
Three dimensional features No obvious starting and stopping points Perfect blending The smile

21 The Last Supper First to try to show in art the character of each apostle. Used geometric perspective Used oil/tempera for fresco – not a good idea During WWII wet sandbags sat in front of it leading to massive mildew Is being restored

22 The Last Supper - da Vinci, 1498
vertical horizontal Perspective!

23 Michelangelo 1475 – 1564 Commissioned by the Medici Family of Florence
Considered himself first a sculpture Excelled in painting and architecture

24 Michelangelo’s David

25 What a difference a century makes!

26 Michelangelo’s Pieta


28 Sistine Chapel

29 Creation of Man

30 Moses – for Pope Julius’ tomb

31 Michelangelo the Architect
The Dome of St. Peter’s is based upon the Dome in Michelangelo’s hometown of Florence, Italy.

32 Raphael 1483- 1520 The School of Athens
Themes of Greek, Rome, and Renaissance Used pyramidal composition and chiaroscuro


34 Da Vinci Raphael Michelangelo

35 The School of Athens – Raphael, details
Plato: looks to the heavens [or the IDEAL realm]. Aristotle: looks to this earth [the here and now].

36 Averroes Hypatia Pythagoras

37 Zoroaster Ptolemy Euclid

38 Madonna of the Meadow

39 Titian 1490 – 1576 Venetian Used strong colors with oil on canvas

40 Venus of Urbino – Titian, 1558

41 The Northern Renaissance
Centered in the Netherlands Were not inspired by the Classics Looked to nature for inspiration Very detailed, realistic paintings Produced numerous portraits

42 Jan Van Eyck 1390 – 1441 The Arnolfini Wedding


44 Massys’ The Moneylender & His Wife, 1514



47 Bosch 1450 – 1516 Focused on the punishment of sinners
Fantasy images (hybrid monsters, half-humans, half-animals) Weird landscaptes Corrupt mankind should suffer

48 Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Peasant life The Peasant Wedding

49 The German Renaissance
German artists began to lead the Northern Renaissance

50 Hans Holbein the Younger
1497 – 1543 Numerous portraits

51 Albrecht Durer 1471 – 1528 Best known for wood cuts

52 Dürer The Last Supper woodcut, 1510

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