Created by Project Management TIC-TAC-TOE.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by Project Management TIC-TAC-TOE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by Project Management TIC-TAC-TOE

2 Created by COMMUNICATIONS Name the activities association with Project Communications Management according to the PMBOK 4 th Edition.

3 Created by COST Name the activities association with Project Cost Management according to the PMBOK 4 th Edition.

4 Created by HUMAN RESOURCES Name the activities association with Project Human Resources Management according to the PMBOK 4 th Edition.

5 Created by INTEGRATION Name the activities association with Project Integration Management according to the PMBOK 4 th Edition.

6 Created by PROCUREMENT Name the activities association with Project Procurement Management according to the PMBOK 4 th Edition.

7 Created by QUALITY Name the activities association with Project Quality Management according to the PMBOK 4 th Edition.

8 Created by RISK Name the activities association with Project Risk Management according to the PMBOK 4 th Edition.

9 Created by SCOPE Name the activities association with Project Scope Management according to the PMBOK 4 th Edition.

10 Created by TIME Name the activities association with Project Time Management according to the PMBOK 4 th Edition.

11 Created by Directions The object of the game is to see who has retained the most activities associated with each knowledge area: The answer matrix is the last slide in this presentation (not to be displayed to players). As a player lists all activities in a knowledge area, place either a “O” or “X” in that square only in which they have listed all activities. Note: It is necessary to exit slide-show mode and drag the “X” or the “O” to that square and then resume to slide- show mode. This tic-tac-toe game can be customized with: Inputs, Tools & Techniques and Outputs. Flip a coin to determine who goes first.  Communications  Cost  Human Resources  Integration  Procurement  Quality  Risk  Scope  Time

12 Created by Answer Matrix For Game Administrator Review Only – Do Not Display to Players.

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