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PELVIS & HIP BONES 2 Bones or sides Connected by the Sacrum PARTS OF THE BONE Ilium Ischium Pubis BONES Illium Ishium Femur HIP JOINT Acetabulum + Femur.

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Presentation on theme: "PELVIS & HIP BONES 2 Bones or sides Connected by the Sacrum PARTS OF THE BONE Ilium Ischium Pubis BONES Illium Ishium Femur HIP JOINT Acetabulum + Femur."— Presentation transcript:

1 PELVIS & HIP BONES 2 Bones or sides Connected by the Sacrum PARTS OF THE BONE Ilium Ischium Pubis BONES Illium Ishium Femur HIP JOINT Acetabulum + Femur Head


3 PELVIC MUSCLES Psoas Major Iliacus Flex the thigh Gluteus Maximus Flex hip, laterally (ER) rotate Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Abduct & medially (IR) rotate Adductor Longus Adducts, flexes, laterally rotates

4 PELVIC MUSCLES Adductor Magnus Adduction, extension, lateral rotation Gracilis Adduction, flexion, medial rotation @ knee Pectineus Adducts thigh Sartorius Flexes hip, laterally (ER) rotate  Tensor Fascia Late  Flex hip, Abduction, medially (IR) thigh

5 PELVIC MUSCLES Piriformis Extend hip, Abduction, laterally (ER) thigh Gameles & Obturator Laterally (ER) Thigh IT Band Lateral Stabilizer Hamstring Flex knee & Extend hip Quadriceps Extend knee & Flex hip



8 INJURIES FRACTURES Unable to be weight bearing Foot in ER HIP POINTER Direct blow on Iliac Crest STRAINS & SPRAINS Over stretch of tendons, muscles, ligaments BURSITIS Trochanteric-Ache or pain while running; hip joint pain Illiopsoas-passive rotary motion; medial groin pain

9 R.O.M. TESTING Hamstring Flexibility Actively/Passively Bring knee to chest & straight leg Internal/External Rotation Bend knee 90 degrees Rotate hip internally & externally Thomas Test (Hip flexor or RF) On back, buttock on edge of table Flex knee & bring to chest Watch for movement of other leg

10 R.O.M. TESTING Ober’s Test (IT Band tightness) Sidelying, top leg straight bottom knee bent Raise & extend hip. Tightness if stays ABDUCTED Patrick’s (Faber) Test (Iliopsoas) Supine with involved heel on opposite knee Hand on opposite hip & apply downward pressure to involved knee

11 STRENGTH TESTING ABduction sidelying Hand on hip, apply pressure to leg as they lift leg Gluteus Medius & Minimus, TFL, Sartorius, Piriformis ADduction sidelying Hand on inside of lower leg, apply pressure to leg as they lift leg Adductor brevis, magnus, longus & Gracilis, Pectineus Extension prone (on stomach) Hand on gluts, apply pressure to leg as they lift leg Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, adductor magnus

12 STRENGTH TESTING Internal Rotation sitting with knees @ 90 Stabilize thigh with one hand Apply resisitance: Lateral Malleolus as they IR hip so it doesn’t move Gluteus medius & minimus or TFL External Rotation sitting with knees @ 90 Stabilize thigh with one hand Apply resistance: Medial Malleolus as the ER hip so it doesn’t move Piriformis, Gluteus maximus or Quadratus Femoris

13 STRENGTH TESTING Flexion sitting with knees @ 90 Hand on femur & distal end of tibia Resist on femur as thigh is raised off of table Rectus femoris, iliopsoas, pectineus, sartorius or TFL Trendelenburg standing Stand behind athlete Watch hips as they balance on univolved leg Hip abductors on weight bearing side

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