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Papal States- territories in central Italy Lay investiture- secular rulers choose priests and bishops and give them the symbols of their office.

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Presentation on theme: "Papal States- territories in central Italy Lay investiture- secular rulers choose priests and bishops and give them the symbols of their office."— Presentation transcript:


2 Papal States- territories in central Italy Lay investiture- secular rulers choose priests and bishops and give them the symbols of their office

3 Opposed lay investiture Conflict with Henry IV of Germany 1075 Pope bans lay investiture

4 Concordat of Worms

5 Forbids priests from giving the sacraments to a particular group of people

6 Cistercian monks Franciscans- founded by St. Francis of Assisi The Franciscans lived among the poor The Dominicans- defended church teaching from heresy (the denial of basic church doctrines)

7 (Holy Office) to find and try heretics

8 1095- Pope Urban II called for a “holy War”, a crusade to regain the holy land from Muslim Turks.

9 July 15, 1099- Christian crusaders capture Jerusalem


11 French King Phillip Augustus German King Fredrick I (Barbarossa) English King Richard the Lionhearted Richard and Saladin fought many battles before they agreed to a truce in 1192.


13 Knights looted Constantinople in 1204 and occupied the city until 1261.




17 Local language- the language of everyday speech

18 Churches and cathedrals Romanesque style 800-1100 Gothic- 12 th Century- tall, stretching upwards, flying buttress and stained glass windows









27 Christianity and Medieval Civilization Papal States- Territories in central Italy Lay investiture- Secular rulers choose priests and bishops and give them the symbols of their office Pope Gregory VII opposed lay investiture Conflict with Henry IV of Germany 1075 Pope banned lay investiture 1122 Concordat of Worms Interdict- Forbids priests from giving the sacraments to a particular group of people Cistercian monks Franciscans- Founded by St Francis of Assisi The Franciscans lived among the poor The Dominicans- Defended church teaching from heresy Heresy-(the denial of basic church doctrines) The Inquisition- (Holy office) To find and try heretics Vernacular Literature Local language- The language of everyday speech Architecture- Churches and Cathedrals Romanesque style 800 – 1100 Gothic- 12 th Century- tall, stretching upwards, flying buttress and stained glass windows The Crusades 1095- Pope Urban II called for a “Holy War”, a crusade to regain holy land from Muslim Turks July 15 th, 1099- Christians captured Jerusalem 1187 Jerusalem fell to Saladin Third Crusade- French King Phillip Augustus German King Fredrick I (Barbarossa) English King Richard the Lionhearted Richard and Saladin fought many battles before they agreed to a truce in 1192 1198- Fourth Crusade- Knights looted Constantinople in 1204 and occupied the city until 1261.

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