Hospice Can Help You & Your Family Developed with assistance from Hospice Caring Project, Santa Cruz County, CA [Add name of presenter and organization]

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Presentation on theme: "Hospice Can Help You & Your Family Developed with assistance from Hospice Caring Project, Santa Cruz County, CA [Add name of presenter and organization]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hospice Can Help You & Your Family Developed with assistance from Hospice Caring Project, Santa Cruz County, CA [Add name of presenter and organization]

2 Who Will Care for You if You are Sick? Your family? Your church? Your community?

3 Hospice Supports You and Your Care Givers  Hospice can help you  Ease your pain  Listen to your fears or worries  Give you a bed or walker to help you be comfortable  Pay for your medicine  Read to you or help you write letters to loved ones

4 Hospice Supports You and Your Care Givers  Hospice can help your family care givers  Learn how to safely care for you  Prepare everyone for what might happen as you get sicker  Help with your care  Listen to fears or worries  Help with chores or errands  Be there once you are gone to help them with their grief

5 Hospice Respects Family Tradition  Each family is different – hospice works with you to provide the support you need  Hospice will talk to you and your care givers about your traditions and beliefs  Hospice can work with your clergy to support your spiritual needs

6 Supporting You Wherever You Are  Hospice care can be given in your home  Hospice is also available to people in nursing home  If you need to go to a hospital, hospice can help you there as well

7 Hospice Circle of Care Chaplain Volunteer Family Doctor Medical Director Grief Support Social Worker Home Health Aide Nurse Patient & Family

8 Cost of Hospice Care  You don’t need to worry about costs with hospice  Hospice is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and insurance  Hospice provides care to everyone – even if they don’t have insurance

9 When to Call Hospice If you are thinking about calling then now is the right time

10 To Learn More, Call…  Call the national Compassionate Care HelpLine /Linea Cuidando con Cariño  1-877-658-8896  Caring Connections HelpLine  1-800-658-8898

11 To Learn More, Visit…  Caring Connections web site  www.caringinfo.org www.caringinfo.org  Partnership for Parents web site for parents with a seriously ill child  Spanish/Español: padrescompadres.org  English/Inglés:partnershipforparents.org

12 To Ask for Help, Call Us Today  [list local resources and how to reach you]

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