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Purpose of this class: 1. knowledge of past and present teaching approaches.

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose of this class: 1. knowledge of past and present teaching approaches."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose of this class: 1. knowledge of past and present teaching approaches

2 2. Techniques for teaching the language skills

3 3. Various options for intergrading the skills

4 Useful information for teacher’s performance and professional growth.

5 objectives of the class grading policy content of each unit that we’re going to cover On-line learning activities

6 Textbook: Marianne Celce Murcia, editor, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language 3rd edition, Heinle & Heinle, Thomson Learning, 2001

7 Grading policy Class involvement and on-line interaction ( chat room)10% Teaching strategy and teaching material evaluation20% Lesson plan conducting20% Oral presentation ( classroom meeting in FJU ) 30% Comprehensive written test 20%

8 Unit I : Teaching Methodology –Language Teaching Approaches –Communicative Language Teaching for the 21 Century –Syllabus Design

9 Goals of unit 1: 1. To acquire an over view of the historical background of teaching approaches 2. To design a syllabus for your own class using the most effective approaches.

10 Learning activity: lecture on-line test Worksheets and chat room discussion


12 Unit II: Four Language Skills: Listening Aural comprehension instruction: principles and practices Skills and strategies for proficient listening

13 Speaking Teaching oral skills Teaching pronunciation Developing children’s listening and speaking in ESL

14 Reading Teaching children literacy skills in a second language Developing adult literacy Reading for academic purpose: guideline for ESL/EFL teachers

15 Writing Functional tasks for mastering the mechanics of writing Considerations for teaching an ESL/EFL writing course Grammar in writing

16 Grammar and Vocabulary Teaching grammar Cognitive approaches to grammar instruction Vocabulary learning and teaching

17 Goals of Unit II: 1. To acquire practical skills and strategies in teaching listening and speaking / reading and writing / grammar and vocabulary. 2. Be able to design effective learning activities in your own classroom.

18 Learning activity: 1. Lecture 2. Teaching materials and strategy evaluation 3. chat room discussion

19 Unit III. : Integrated Approaches 1.Content-based and Immersion models for second and foreign language teaching. 2. Literature as content for ESL/EFL.

20 Goals of Unit III 1.To be familiarize with the content based and immersion models or other integrated approaches in English teaching. 2. Be able to design an integrated teaching unit using literature as content.

21 Learning activity: 1. Lecture 2. Practical lesson plan conducting 3. On-line peer evaluation.

22 Unit IV : Skills for Teachers 1.Planning lessons 2.The use of media in language teaching 3.Computers in language teaching 4.Second language assessment

23 Goals of unit IV: 1. Be able to explain or analyze guidelines in lesson planning. 2. Present an effective media assisted or computer assisted lesson plan. 3. Be able to assess students’ learning outcome according to different goals.

24 Learning activities: 1. Lecture 2.Multimedia demonstration 3.Classroom meeting and discussion seminar 4.On-line peer evaluation 5. On-line test

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