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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Do you have a thousand words?

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Presentation on theme: "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Do you have a thousand words?"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Do you have a thousand words?


3 Step 1: for your picture identify the focal point. identify the background. identify the middle ground.

4 background middle ground focal point





9 Step 2: make a list of all the details in each part of your picture. Consider objects people shape size position color number focus and so on……

10 Work on ONE PART of your picture at a time. DO NOT rush ahead or jump around between parts.


12 Main Idea : __________________________ _ a long distance jumper in midair To begin, Moreover, Finally, in the background in the middle ground the focal point of the picture Step 3: Make an outline for your paragraph.

13 Step 4: Write the topic sentence for your paragraph. This is a photograph of a long distance jumper lunging toward the camera. This is a picture of a long distance jumper. Propelled like a rocket, a long distance runner hurtles feet first toward the eye of the camera. Basic:Better: Best:

14 Step 5: Insert a transitional expression and write the first part of your description. Propelled like a rocket, a long distance runner hurtles feet first toward the eye of the camera. To begin, the body of the long jumper fills the center of the image, his body frozen in midair. His taut, muscular legs are extended straight out front, and his head his tucked down toward his thighs. The top of his head is in full view; he has black hair with a flat-top cut. Since his face is down, it is only partly visible. His forehead is knitted with muscle lines, and his black eyebrows slant down to the bridge of his nose. Generally, his face looks strained...

15 Step 6: Finish writing your paragraph. Be sure that the paragraph has three transitional expressions each part of the description is fully developed you proofread carefully for errors: missing words or letters misspelled words verb consistency complete sentences

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