R UBY THE C OPYCAT BY P EGGY R ATHMANN Robust Vocabulary, Day 1 Created by Roberta Jacobs.

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1 R UBY THE C OPYCAT BY P EGGY R ATHMANN Robust Vocabulary, Day 1 Created by Roberta Jacobs

2 TRUDGED If you walked slowly as though your feet were stuck in mud, you trudged. Which would you trudge through: a pool or a swamp?

3 GUSHED When you were excited about something and talked a lot about it, you gushed. When would you gush over a puppy: when it obeyed you, or when it chewed your shoe?

4 FRUSTRATED When you try and try to do something and cannot, then you might feel frustrated. Would you feel frustrated if you couldn’t open a jar, or if someone opened it for you?

5 IMITATED If you copied what someone did or said, you imitated him or her. Would you imitate a dog by taking it for a walk or by making a barking sound?

6 P LEASANT Something that is p leasant is enjoyable and makes you happy. What would the weather be like on a p leasant day?

7 COINCIDENCE A coincidence is when two things happen that seem to fit together but are not connected. If you and a friend wore the same clothes on the same day, would that be a coincidence ? Explain.

8 MODELED If you modeled something, you showed it so that other people could see it. Why would you see a costume being modeled ?

9 LOYAL Someone who is loyal stands by you in good times and bad. How would a loyal friend behave?

10 RECITED If you recited something, you memorized it and then spoke it out loud. When have you recited something in front of other people?

11 MURMUR When people murmur, they speak so softly that they can hardly be heard. Is it hard to hear something that is murmured ? Explain.

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