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Harcourt Story Town Series Grassy Lake Elementary School Third Grade Minneola, Florida Ruby the Copycat by Peggy Rathmann.

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Presentation on theme: "Harcourt Story Town Series Grassy Lake Elementary School Third Grade Minneola, Florida Ruby the Copycat by Peggy Rathmann."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harcourt Story Town Series Grassy Lake Elementary School Third Grade Minneola, Florida Ruby the Copycat by Peggy Rathmann

2 trudged If you walked slowly as though your feet were stuck in mud, you trudged Some mornings Suzy trudged into the classroom because she was still tired. If you ran quickly, would you have trudged? (Explain)

3 gushed When you were excited about something and talked a lot about it, you gushed When Bobby got his new backpack for school he gushed about it for a week! What might cause a parent to gush?

4 coincidence When the same things happen at the same time, it is usually a coincidence. It was a coincidence that Tony and Becky bought the same lunch box for school this year. Which one is a coincidence? A.If two people in your family have the same last name B.You and your best friend have the same birthday

5 pleasant Something that is pleasant is enjoyable and makes you happy. She had a pleasant summer laying by the pool. Would a bully be a pleasant person to be around? (Explain)

6 modeled If you modeled something, you showed it so other people could see it. My sister modeled all of her new school clothes for the family. Which would you be more likely to model? A.a brand new car B.a new backpack

7 murmured If you murmured something, you said it softly so people could hardly hear it. Jane murmured to the teacher because she wasn’t sure she had the correct answer. Would an important announcement be murmured? (Explain)

8 loyal Someone who is loyal sticks by you in good times and bad. Dogs are loyal to their owners. Would a loyal friend be someone you could trust? (Explain)

9 recited If you recited a poem, you memorized it and spoke it out loud. The class recited the Pledge of Allegiance. What else might a student recite? (Explain)

10 frustrated When you try and try to do something and cannot, then you might feel frustrated Alex was frustrated because he tried the math problem 3 times and didn’t have the right answer. Why can waiting sometimes make you feel frustrated? (Explain)

11 imitated If you copied what somebody else did or said, you imitated him or her. John got a haircut. Leon liked it so much he had his hair styled that way too. Would you be pleased to have someone imitate you? (Explain)

12 Harcourt Story Town Series Grassy Lake Elementary School Third Grade Minneola, Florida Great job today! Don’t forget to practice your words at home!

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