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Spirometry and Related Tests

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1 Spirometry and Related Tests
RET 2414 Pulmonary Function Testing Module 2.0

Learning Objectives Determine whether spirometry is acceptable and reproducible Identify airway obstruction using forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume (FEV1) Differentiate between obstruction and restriction as causes of reduced vital capacity

Learning Objectives Distinguish between large and small airway obstruction by evaluating flow-volume curves Determine whether there is a significant response to bronchodilators Select the appropriate FVC and FEV1 for reporting from series of spirometry maneuvers

4 Predicted Values Laboratory Normal Ranges
Laboratory tests performed on a large number of normal population will show a range of results

5 Predicted Values Laboratory Normal Ranges

6 Predicted Values Laboratory Normal Ranges
Most clinical laboratories consider two standard deviations from the mean as the normal range since it includes 95% of the normal population.

7 PFT Reports When performing PFT’s three values are reported:
Actual – what the patient performed Predicted – what the patient should have performed based on Age, Height, Sex, Weight, and Ethnicity % Predicted – a comparison of the actual value to the predicted value

8 PFT Reports Example Actual Predicted %Predicted VC %

9 SPIROMETRY Vital Capacity
The vital capacity (VC) is the volume of gas measured from a slow, complete expiration after a maximal inspiration, without a forced effort.

10 SPIROMETRY Vital Capacity

11 SPIROMETRY Vital Capacity Example: Valid VC measurements important
IC and ERV used to calculate RV and TLC Example: RV = FRC - ERV TLC = IC + FRC

12 SPIROMETRY VC: Criteria for Acceptability
End-expiratory volume varies by less than 100 ml for three preceding breaths Volume plateau observed at maximal inspiration and expiration

13 SPIROMETRY VC: Criteria for Acceptability
Three acceptable VC maneuvers should be obtained; volume within 150 ml. VC should be within 150 ml of FVC value

14 SPIROMETRY VC: Selection Criteria
The largest value from at least 3 acceptable maneuvers should be reported

15 SPIROMETRY VC: Significance/Pathophysiology Decreased VC
Loss of distensible lung tissue Lung CA Pulmonary edema Pneumonia Pulmonary vascular congestion Surgical removal of lung tissue Tissue loss Space-occupying lesions Changes in lung tissue

16 SPIROMETRY VC: Significance/Pathophysiology Decreased VC
Obstructive lung disease Respiratory depression or neuromuscular disease Pleural effusion Pneumothorax Hiatal hernia Enlarged heart

17 SPIROMETRY VC: Significance/Pathophysiology Decreased VC
Limited movement of diaphragm Pregnancy Abdominal fluids Tumors Limitation of chest wall movement Scleraderma Kyphoscoliosis Pain

18 SPIROMETRY VC: Significance/Pathophysiology
If the VC is less than 80% of predicted: FVC can reveal if caused by obstruction

19 SPIROMETRY VC: Significance/Pathophysiology
If the VC is less than 80% of predicted: Lung volume testing can reveal if caused by restriction

20 SPIROMETRY Forced Vital Capacity (FVC)
The maximum volume of gas that can be expired when the patient exhales as forcefully and rapidly as possible after maximal inspiration (sitting or standing)

21 SPIROMETRY FVC (should be within 150 ml of VC)

22 SPIROMETRY FVC: Criteria for Acceptability
Maximal effort; no cough or glottic closure during the first second; no leaks or obstruction of the mouthpiece. Good start-of-test; back extrapolated volume <5% of FVC or 150 ml, whichever is greater

23 SPIROMETRY FVC: Criteria for Acceptability
Tracing shows 6 seconds of exhalation or an obvious plateau (<0.025L for ≥1s); no early termination or cutoff; or subject cannot or should not continue to exhale

24 SPIROMETRY FVC: Criteria for Acceptability
Three acceptable spirograms obtained; two largest FVC values within 150 ml; two largest FEV1 values within 150 ml

25 SPIROMETRY FVC: Selection Criteria
The largest FVC and largest FEV1 (BTPS) should be reported, even if they do not come from the same curve

26 SPIROMETRY FVC: When to call it quits !!!
If reproducible values cannot be obtained after eight attempts, testing may be discontinued

27 SPIROMETRY FVC: Significance and Pathophysiology
FVC equals VC in healthy individuals FVC is often lower in patients with obstructive disease

28 SPIROMETRY FVC: Significance and Pathophysiology
FVC can be reduced by: Mucus plugging Bronchiolar narrowing Chronic or acute asthma Bronchiectasis Cystic fibrosis Trachea or mainstem bronchi obstruction

29 SPIROMETRY FVC: Significance and Pathophysiology
Healthy adults can exhale their FVC within 4 – 6 seconds Patients with severe obstruction (e.g., emphysema) may require 20 seconds, however, exhalation times >15 seconds will rarely change clinical decisions

30 SPIROMETRY FVC: Significance and Pathophysiology
FVC is also decreased in restrictive lung disease Pulmonary fibrosis dusts/toxins/drugs/radiation Congestion of pulmonary blood flow pneumonia/pulmonary hypertension/PE Space occupying lesions tumors/pleural effusion

31 SPIROMETRY FVC: Significance and Pathophysiology
FVC is also decreased in restrictive lung disease Neuromuscular disorders, e.g, myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barre Chest deformities, e.g, scoliosis/kyphoscoliosis Obesity or pregnancy

32 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1)
The volume expired over the first second of an FVC maneuver

33 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1)
May be reduced in obstructive or restrictive patterns, or poor patient effort

34 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1)
In obstructive disease, FEV1 may be decreased because of: Airway narrowing during forced expiration emphysema Mucus secretions Bronchospasm Inflammation (asthma/bronchitis) Large airway obstruction tumors/foreign bodies

35 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1)
The ability to work or function in daily life is related to the FEV1 and FVC Patients with markedly reduced FEV1 values are more likely to die from COPD or lung cancer

36 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1)
FEV1 may be reduced in restrictive lung processes Fibrosis Edema Space-occupying lesions Neuromuscular diseases Obesity Chest wall deformity

37 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1)
FEV1 is the most widely used spirometric parameter, particularly for assessment of airway obstruction

38 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1)
FEV1 is used in conjunction with FVC for: Simple screening Response to bronchodilator therapy Response to bronchoprovocation Detection of exercise-induced bronchospasm

39 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Volume Ratio (FEVT%)
FEVT% = FEVT/FVC x 100 Useful in distinguishing between obstructive and restrictive causes of reduced FEV1 values

40 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Volume Ratio (FEVT%)
Normal FEVT% Ratios for Health Adults FEV 0.5% = 50%-60% FEV 1% = 75%-85% FEV 2% = 90%-95% FEV 3% = 95%-98% FEV 6% = 98%-100% Patients with obstructive disease have reduced FEVT% for each interval

41 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Volume Ratio (FEVT%)
A decrease FEV1/FVC ratio is the “hallmark” of obstructive disease FEV1/FVC <75%

42 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Volume Ratio (FEVT%)
Patients with restrictive disease often have normal or increased FEVT% values FEV1 and FVC are usually reduced in equal proportions The presence of a restrictive disorder may by suggested by a reduced FVC and a normal or increased FEV1/FVC ration

43 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Flow 25% - 75%
(maximum mid-expiratory flow) FEF 25%-75% is measured from a segment of the FVC that includes flow from medium and small airways Normal values: 4 – 5 L/sec

44 SPIROMETRY Forced Expiratory Flow 25% - 75%
In the presence of a borderline value for FEV1/FVC, a low FEF 25%-75% may help confirm airway obstruction

45 SPIROMETRY Flow – Volume Curve AKA: Flow–Volume Loop (FVL)
The maximum expiratory flow-volume (MEFV) curve shows flow as the patient exhales from maximal inspiration (TLC) to maximal expiration (RV) FVC followed by FIVC

46 SPIROMETRY FVL X axis: Volume Y axis: Flow PEF (Peak Expiratory Flow)
PIF (Peak Inspiratory Flow) . Vmax 75 or FEF 25% FVC Remaining or Percentage FVC exhaled Vmax 50 or FEF 50% Vmax 25 or FEF 75% FEF 25% or Vmax 75 FEF 75% or Vmax 25%

47 SPIROMETRY FVL FEVT and FEF% can be read from the timing marks (ticks) on the FVL

48 SPIROMETRY FVL Significant decreases in flow or volume are easily detected from a single graphic display

49 SPIROMETRY FVL: Severe Obstruction

50 SPIROMETRY FVL: Bronchodilation

51 SPIROMETRY Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF)
The maximum flow obtained during a FVC maneuver Measured from a FVL In laboratory, must perform a minimum of 3 PEF maneuvers Largest 2 of 3 must be within 0.67 L/S (40 L/min) Primarily measures large airway function Many portable devices available

52 SPIROMETRY Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) When used to monitor asthmatics
Establish best PEF over a 2-3 week period Should be measured twice daily (morning and evening) Daily measurements are compared to personal best

53 SPIROMETRY Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF)
The National Asthma Education Program suggests a zone system Green: 80%-100% of personal best Routine treatment can be continued; consider reducing medications Yellow: 50%-80% of personal best Acute exacerbation may be present Temporary increase in medication may be needed Maintenance therapy may need increases Red: Less than 50% of personal best Bronchodilators should be taken immediately; begin oral steroids; clinician should be notified if PEF fails to return to yellow or green within 2 – 4 hours

54 SPIROMETRY Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) PEF is a recognized means of
monitoring asthma Provides serial measurements of PEF as a guide to treatment ATS Recommended Ranges L/min (children) L/min (adults)

55 SPIROMETRY Maximum Voluntary Ventilation (MVV) The volume of air exhaled in a specific interval during rapid, forced breathing

56 SPIROMETRY MVV Rapid, deep breathing VT ~50% of VC For seconds

57 SPIROMETRY MVV Tests overall function of respiratory system
Airway resistance Respiratory muscles Compliance of lungs/chest wall Ventilatory control mechanisms

58 SPIROMETRY MVV At least 2 acceptable maneuvers should be performed
Two largest should be within 10% of each other Volumes extrapolated out to 60 seconds and corrected to BTPS MVV is approximately equal to 35 time the FEV1

59 SPIROMETRY MVV Selection Criteria
The highest MVV (L/min, BTPS) and MVV rate (breaths / min) should be reported

60 SPIROMETRY MVV Decreased in:
Patients with moderate to severe obstructive lung disease Patients who are weak or have decreased endurance Patients with neurological deficits

61 SPIROMETRY MVV Decreased in: Patients with paralysis or nerve damage
A markedly reduced MVV correlates with postoperative risk for patients having abdominal or thoracic surgery

62 SPIROMETRY Before/After Bronchodilator
Spirometry is performed before and after bronchodilator administration to determine the reversibility of airway obstruction

63 SPIROMETRY Before/After Bronchodilator
An FEV1% less than predicted is a good indication for bronchodilator study In most patients, an FEV1% less than 70% indicates obstruction

64 SPIROMETRY Before/After Bronchodilator
Any pulmonary function parameter may be measured before and after bronchodilator therapy FEV1 and specific airway conductance (SGaw) are usually evaluated

65 SPIROMETRY Before/After Bronchodilator
Lung volumes should be recorded before bronchodilator administration Lung volumes and DLco may also respond to bronchodilator therapy

66 SPIROMETRY Before/After Bronchodilator
Routine bronchodilator therapy should be withheld prior to spirometry Ruppel 9th edition, pg. 66: Table 2-2 Short-acting β-agonists hours Short-acting anticholinergic 4 hours Long-acting β-agonists hours Long-acting anticholinergic 24 hours Methylxanthines (theophyllines) 12 hours Slow release methylxanthines 24 hours Cromolyn sodium hours Leukotriene modifiers 24 hours Inhaled steroids Maintain dosage

67 SPIROMETRY Before/After Bronchodilator
Minimum of 10 minutes, up to 15 minutes, between administration and repeat testing is recommended (30 minutes for short-acting anticholinergic agents) FEV1, FVC, FEF25%-75%, PEF, SGaw are commonly made before and after bronchodilator administration

68 SPIROMETRY Before/After Bronchodilator
Percentage of change is calculated %Change = Postdrug – Predrug X 100 Predrug

69 SPIROMETRY Before/After Bronchodilator
FEV1 is the most commonly used test for quantifying bronchodilator response FEV1% should not be used to judge bronchodilation response SGaw may show a marked increase after bronchodilator therapy

70 SPIROMETRY Before/After Bronchodilator
Significance and Pathophysiology Considered significant if: FEV1 or FVC increase ≥12% and ≥200 ml SGaw increases 30% - 40%

71 SPIROMETRY Before/After Bronchodilator
Significance and Pathophysiology Diseases involving the bronchial (and bronchiolar) smooth muscle usually improve most from “before” to “after” Increase >50% in FEV1 may occur in patients with asthma

72 SPIROMETRY Before/After Bronchodilator
Significance and Pathophysiology Patients with chronic obstructive diseases may show little improvement in flows Inadequate drug deposition (poor inspiratory effort) Patient may respond to different drug Paradoxical response <8% or 150 ml not significant

73 SPIROMETRY Maximal Inspiratory Pressure (MIP)
The lowest pressure developed during a forceful inspiration against an occluded airway Primarily measures inspiratory muscle strength

74 SPIROMETRY MIP Usually measured at maximal expiration (residual volume) Can be measured at FRC Recorded as a negative number in cm H20 or mm Hg, e.g. (-60 cm H2O)


76 Significance and Pathophysiology
SPIROMETRY MIP Significance and Pathophysiology Healthy adults > -60 cm H2O Decreased in patients with: Neuromuscular disease Diseases involving the diaphragm, intercostal, or accessory muscles Hyperinflation (emphysema)

77 Significance and Pathophysiology
SPIROMETRY MIP Significance and Pathophysiology Sometimes used to measure response to respiratory muscle training Often used in the assessment of respiratory muscle function in patients who need ventilatory support

78 SPIROMETRY Maximal Expiratory Pressure (MEP)
The highest pressure developed during a forceful exhalation against an occluded airway Dependent upon function of the abdominal muscles, accessory muscles of expiration, and elastic recoil of lung and thorax

79 SPIROMETRY MEP Usually measured at maximal inspiration (total lung capacity) Can be measured at FRC Recorded as a positive number in cm H20 or mm Hg


81 Significance and Pathophysiology
SPIROMETRY MEP Significance and Pathophysiology Healthy adults >80 to 100 cm H2O Decreased in: Neuromuscular disorders High cervical spine fractures Damage to nerves controlling abdominal and accessory muscles of inspiration

82 Significance and Pathophysiology
SPIROMETRY MEP Significance and Pathophysiology A low MEP is associated with inability to cough May complicate chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, and other diseases that result in excessive mucus production

83 SPIROMETRY Airway Resistance (Raw)
The drive pressure required to create a flow of air through a subject’s airway Recorded in cm H2O/L/sec When related to lung volume at the time of measurement it is known as specific airway resistance (SRaw)

84 SPIROMETRY Raw Measured in a plethysmograph as the patient breathes through a pneumo-tachometer

85 SPIROMETRY Raw Criteria of Acceptability
Mean of three or more acceptable efforts should be reported; individual values should be within 10% of mean

86 SPIROMETRY Airway Resistance (Raw) Normal Adult Values
Raw – 2.4 cm H2O/L/sec SRaw – cm H2O/L/sec/L

87 SPIROMETRY Airway Resistance (Raw) May be increased in: Bronchospasm
Inflammation Mucus secretion Airway collapse Lesions obstructing the larger airways Tumors, traumatic injuries, foreign bodies

88 SPIROMETRY Raw Significance and Pathology
Increased in acute asthmatic episodes Increased in advanced emphysema because of airway narrowing and collapse Other obstructive disease, e.g., bronchitis may cause increase in Raw proportionate to the degree of obstruction in medium and small airways

89 SPIROMETRY Airway Conductance (Gaw)
A measure of flow that is generated from the available drive pressure Recorded in L/sec/cm H2O Gaw is the inverse of Raw When related to lung volume at the time of measurement it is known as specific airway conductance (SGaw)

90 SPIROMETRY Gaw Measured in a plethysmograph as the patient breathes through a pneumo-tachometer

91 SPIROMETRY Gaw Criteria of Acceptability
Mean of three or more acceptable efforts should be reported; individual values should be within 10% of mean

92 SPIROMETRY Airway Conductance (Gaw) Normal Adult Values
Gaw – 1.67 L/sec/cmH2O SGaw – 0.20 L/sec/cm H2O/L

93 SPIROMETRY Airway Conductance (Gaw) Significance and Pathology
SGaw Values <0.15 – 0.20 L/sec/cm H2O/L are consistent with airway obstruction

94 Quiz Practice Most clinical laboratories consider two standard deviations from the mean as the normal range when determining predicted values since it includes 95% of the normal population. False Only for those individuals with lung disease This applies only to cigarette smokers True

95 Quiz Practice Vital capacity is defined as which of the following?
The volume of gas measured from a slow, complete exhalation after a maximal inspiration, without a forced effort The volume of gas measured from a rapid, complete exhalation after a rapid maximal inspiration The volume of gas measured after 3 seconds of a slow, complete exhalation The total volume of gas within the lungs after a maximal inhalation

96 Quiz Practice Which of the following statements are true regarding the acceptability criteria for vital capacity measurement? End-expiratory volume varies by less than 100 ml for three preceding breaths Volume plateau observed at maximal inspiration and expiration Three acceptable vital capacity maneuvers should be obtained; volume within 150 ml Vital capacity should be within 150 ml of forced vital capacity in healthy individuals I, II, and IV II, III, and IV III and IV I, II, III, IV

97 Quiz Practice Which of the following best describes the Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) maneuver? The volume of gas measured from a slow, complete exhalation after a maximal inspiration, without a forced effort The volume of gas measured from a slow, complete exhalation after a rapid maximal inspiration The volume of gas measured after 3 seconds of a rapid, complete exhalation The maximum volume of gas that can be expired when the patient exhales as forcefully and rapidly as possible after maximal inspiration

98 Quiz Practice All of the following are true regarding the acceptability criteria of an FVC maneuver EXCEPT? Maximal effort, no cough or glottic closure during the first second; no leaks of obstruction of the mouthpiece Good start of test; back extrapolated volume less than 5% of the FVC or 150 ml Tracing shows a minimum of 3 seconds of exhalation Three acceptable spirograms obtained; two largest FVC values within 150 ml; two largest FEV1 values within 150 ml

99 Quiz Practice The FEV1 is the expired volume of the first second of the FVC maneuver. True False Only when done slowly Only when divided by the FVC

100 Quiz Practice Which of following statements is true regarding FEV1?
FEV1 may be larger than the FVC FEV1 is always 75% of FVC May be reduced in obstructive and restrictive lung disease Is only reduced in restrictive disease

101 Quiz Practice The FEV1% is useful in distinguishing between obstructive and restrictive causes of reduced FEV1 values True False Only helps to distinguish obstructive lung disease Only helps to distinguish restrictive lung disease

102 Quiz Practice Which statements are true regarding the FEV 1%, also known as the FEV1/FVC? A decreased FEV1/FVC is the hallmark of obstructive disease Patients with restrictive lung disease often have normal or increased FEV1/FVC ratios The presence of a restrictive disorder may be suggested by a reduced FVC and a normal or increased FEV1/FVC ratio A normal FEV1/FVC ratio is between 75% - 85% I and II I, II and III II, III and IV I, II, III and IV

103 Quiz Practice What test is represented by the graph to the right?
Forced Vital Capacity Flow-Volume Loop Slow Vital Capacity Total Lung Capacity Maneuver

104 Quiz Practice What type of pulmonary disorder is represented by the graph below? Obstructive lung disease Restrictive lung disease Upper airway obstruction Normal lung function (The dotted lines represent the predicted values)

105 Quiz Practice Which is true regarding Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF)?
Primarily measures large airway function Is a recognized means of monitoring asthma Serial measurements of PEF are used a guide to treat asthma When less than 50% of personal best, it is an indication that immediate treatment is required I only II and III II, III, and IV I, II, III, and IV

106 Quiz Practice MVV is decreased in patients with which of the following disorders? Moderate to severe obstructive lung disease Weak or with decrease endurance Neurological defects Paralysis or nerve damage I and IV II and III III and IV I, II, III, and IV

107 Quiz Practice Spirometry before and after bronchodilator therapy is used to determine which of the following? Reversibility of airway obstruction The severity of restrictive disorders The rate at which CO diffuses through the lung into the blood If the patient has exercised induced asthma

108 Quiz Practice What is the minimum amount of time between administration of bronchodilator therapy and repeat pulmonary function testing? 5 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 60 minute

109 Quiz Practice Bronchodilation is considered significant when which of the following occurs? FEV1/FVC increases by 12% SGaw increases by 12% FVC and/or FEV1 increases by 12% and 150 ml DLco increases by 12%

110 Quiz Practice Which of the following is true regarding Maximal Inspiratory Pressure (MIP)? Primarily measures inspiratory muscle strength Measures airway resistance during inspiration Is decreased in patients with neurological disease Often used in the assessment of respiratory muscle function in patients who need ventilatory support I, II, and III I, III, and IV II and III II, III, and IV

111 Quiz Practice Airway resistance (Raw) is the drive pressure required to create a flow of air through a subject’s airway. True False Only in patients with COPD Only in patients with restrictive disorders

112 Quiz Practice Airway resistance may be increased in which of the following patients? Purely restrictive lung disorders Acute asthmatic episodes Mucus secretion Lung compliance changes I only I and IV II and III I, II, III, and IV

113 Quiz Practice Airway Conductance (Gaw) is a measure of flow that is generated from the available drive pressure. True False Only in patients with COPD Only in patients with restrictive disorders

114 Quiz Practice A patient’s pulmonary function tests reveal the following: Actual Predicted %Predicted FVC 4.01 L L 81 FEV L L 56 FEV1% 51 >75 _ Select the correct interpretation Restrictive pattern Obstructive pattern Inconclusive Normal

115 Quiz Practice A patient’s pulmonary function tests reveal the following: Actual Predicted %Predicted FVC L L 75 FEV L L 76 FEV1% 75 >/=75 _ Select the correct interpretation Restrictive pattern Obstructive pattern Inconclusive Normal

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