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Poetry 11 th grade Regents Review. Simile A comparison between two unlike things using like or as.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry 11 th grade Regents Review. Simile A comparison between two unlike things using like or as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry 11 th grade Regents Review

2 Simile A comparison between two unlike things using like or as

3 Metaphor A comparison, implying that one thing is another

4 personification Giving inanimate objects human or lifelike characteristics

5 allusion A reference to something else,m as in a religious or historical reference

6 symbol A kind of figurative lanaguage that uses a concrete object to stand for an abstract idea

7 Ex. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water

8 Ex. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water simile

9 Ex. My mind to me a kingdom is.

10 Ex. My mind to me a kingdom is. metaphor

11 Ex. Her heart cried out.

12 Ex. Her heart cried out. personification

13 Ex. This man, this devil’s clay

14 Ex. This man, this devil’s clay metaphor

15 Ex. He rose slowly, a long grey feather

16 Ex. He rose slowly, a long grey feather metaphor

17 Ex. Time that is intolerant of the brave and innocent.

18 Ex. Time that is intolerant of the brave and innocent. personification

19 Ex. The waves beside them danced.

20 Ex. The waves beside them danced. personification

21 Assonance Repetition of vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u)

22 Consonance Repetition of consonant sounds in a line of poetry

23 alliteration Repetition of beginning consonant sounds

24 Onomatopoeia Words that sound like what they mean

25 Ex. Do they above love to be loved?

26 Ex. Do they above love to be loved? assonance

27 Ex. When rivers rage and rocks grow cold.

28 Ex. When rivers rage and rocks grow cold. alliteration

29 Ex. How now brown cow

30 Ex. How now brown cow assonance

31 Ex. Sing a song of sixpence

32 Ex. Sing a song of sixpence alliteration

33 Sensory Imagery Imagery that appeals to the 5 senses: Touch Taste Sound Smell Sight

34 Ex. When the wind stirs soft through the springing grass

35 Ex. When the wind stirs soft through the springing grass Sight, sound, touch

36 Ex. The bird’s wing trails like a banner in defeat

37 Ex. The bird’s wing trails like a banner in defeat Sight

38 Ex. Dad’s fist hit the table

39 Ex. Dad’s fist hit the table Touch, sound

40 Ex. The sweet, succulent cotton candy melted sugary in his mouth

41 Ex. The sweet, succulent cotton candy melted sugary in his mouth taste

42 Ex. The spicy aroma of pepperoni pizza rose above the sneakers to tickle his nose.

43 Ex. The spicy aroma of pepperoni pizza rose above the sneakers to tickle his nose. Smell, touch

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