The “Beloved” of Jude When the Ungodly Surround the Godly.

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Presentation on theme: "The “Beloved” of Jude When the Ungodly Surround the Godly."— Presentation transcript:

1 The “Beloved” of Jude When the Ungodly Surround the Godly

2 Jude and the “Beloved of God” Jude writes to the “beloved of God” (verse 1); he refers to them as “beloved” three times (verse 3, 17, and 20) The beloved are surrounded by ungodly (lacking reverence toward God, impious) men much like today (verse 4, 15, and 18) What are the “beloved” to do in such circumstances?

3 The “Beloved” Must Contend (v. 3) “Contend” (Gr. epagonizesthai) = to fight; to struggle “Earnestly” = vigorous, intense “For the faith” = the body of truth or doctrine that produces faith (Acts 6:9; Gal. 1:23; 3:23) The “beloved” (not just preachers) will defend the truth in the midst of the ungodly: in society, in the church, in the home (1 Tim. 6:12)

4 The “Beloved” Must Remember (v.17) They must remember that there will always be ungodliness (2 Pet. 3:1ff) and the godly can shine among the ungodly (verses 5-17) They must remember that ungodliness comes from lusts (craving, desire, v.16), divisions, sensuality (Jas. 3:15), and not having the spirit (verses 18-19) The “beloved” will not act like the ungodly person, thinking that his behavior is ok

5 The “Beloved” Must Be Responsible: Toward Self (v.20-21) Building up yourselves on your most holy faith (Acts 20:32) Praying in the Holy Spirit (Eph. 6:18) Keep yourselves in the love of God (Jn. 15:9-10; 1 Jn. 4:16,19) Looking for the mercy (coming) of our Lord Jesus (Tit. 2:13; 2 Pet. 3:12)

6 The “Beloved” Must Be Responsible: Toward Others (v.22-23) Sympathetic: on some have mercy, who are in doubt - at odds with oneself, wavering (Jas. 5:19-20) Aggressive: on some save, snatching them out of the fire (Mt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10-15; 21:8) Cautious: on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1; Gal. 6:1; 1 Tim. 5:22; Rev. 3:4)

7 Jude and the “Beloved of God” What are the godly to do when they are surrounded by ungodliness? Contend, remember, and be responsible for self and others

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