Impact of Family Violence on Adult Victims  Death  Physical injury (including gynaecological problems)  Miscarriage  Anxiety and depression  Substance.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of Family Violence on Adult Victims  Death  Physical injury (including gynaecological problems)  Miscarriage  Anxiety and depression  Substance."— Presentation transcript:


2 Impact of Family Violence on Adult Victims

3  Death  Physical injury (including gynaecological problems)  Miscarriage  Anxiety and depression  Substance use  Sleeping and eating disorders  Stress-related somatic symptoms, such as stomach pain, chronic headaches, diarrhoea...  Suicidal thoughts and actions  Shame, guilt, confused thinking and low self esteem Summarised from AVERT Paper: Dimensions, Dynamics and Impact of Family Violence

4 As well as significant physical injury, there is evidence to show that mental health is seriously compromised by family violence and abuse. An Access Economics study (2004) found that of the mental health consequences, the most common was depression, followed by anxiety disorders, suicide and substance abuse. AVERT Paper: Dimensions, Dynamics and Impact of Family Violence

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