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6. Dred Scott Decision.   SWBAT describe the legal argument behind Dred Scott’s lawsuit for freedom and assess the Supreme Court’s decision regarding.

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Presentation on theme: "6. Dred Scott Decision.   SWBAT describe the legal argument behind Dred Scott’s lawsuit for freedom and assess the Supreme Court’s decision regarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 6. Dred Scott Decision

2   SWBAT describe the legal argument behind Dred Scott’s lawsuit for freedom and assess the Supreme Court’s decision regarding his case. Lesson Objective

3   Lawsuit  a claim or dispute brought to a court of law for adjudication.  Lawsuits today  Develop a list of 3 things that people today create lawsuits over.  Chart & Share Out  Discussion  How do lawsuits attempt to right a wrong in an individual’s life? Word of the Day/Initial Activity

4   Focus Question: How did the Dred Scott decision influence the debate over runaway slaves?  Read Dred Scott Pt. 1  Why did Dred Scott sue for his freedom?  Write a claim, provide 1 piece of evidence and analyze  Extension Activity  Why would Dred Scott take the risk of returning to the South after gaining his freedom while in the North?  Share Out Activity 1: Dred Scott Pt. 1

5   2 minute to write down a response to this question:  Why wouldn’t all the slaves in the southern plantations simply runaway to the North instead of staying put? What factors might have kept them from running away?  Turn & Talk: 30 seconds per partner  Share Out Dred Scott QuickWrite/ Turn & Talk

6   Focus Question: How did the Dred Scott Supreme Court case influence slaves who try to seek their freedom from running away to the North?  Read Dred Scott Pt. 2  How did the US Supreme Court rule in the Dred Scott case?  Write a claim, provide 1 piece of evidence and analyze  Extension Activity  How has America’s role as the “protector” of South American changed to today?  Share Out Activity 2: Dred Scott Pt. 2

7   1. Dred Scott  a. Slave who is taken to Wisconsin  a. A free state  b. Declares his freedom when he returns home to Missouri  c. Sues Missouri when  2. Supreme Court case  a. Fugitive Slave Law Enforced  b. All runaway slaves must be returned to their master, even if they make it to free territory  a. Establishes slaves as property even when in the North  c. Abolitionists ignore this via the Underground Railroad  d. Voids the Missouri Compromise Mini-Lesson

8   Exit Ticket The Dred Scott decision on the issue of slavery upheld the Southern viewpoint that a. the power of the Supreme Court does not extend to cases of race b. Congress could not pass a law depriving territorial residents of their property c. a national vote should be held to decide the legality of slavery d. the economic well-being of the western states depended on slave labor 2) Share with me one thing that you find interesting from class today. Why do you find it interesting? 3) Share with me one-way in which the information from class today affects your life today. Summary

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