FRB WEB INTEGRATED SOLUTION First Implemented in January 2000 Developer and Proprietary Owner Economic Systems Inc (ESI) January 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "FRB WEB INTEGRATED SOLUTION First Implemented in January 2000 Developer and Proprietary Owner Economic Systems Inc (ESI) January 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 FRB WEB INTEGRATED SOLUTION First Implemented in January 2000 Developer and Proprietary Owner Economic Systems Inc (ESI) January 2005

2 Introduction of ESI Started as HR consulting firm in 1990 ESI supports retirement benefits delivery for federal agencies –Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) software –On-site retirement processing –Employee Counseling –Early-out/Buy-Out Support Services –Employee seminars Federal Retirement Benefits (FRB) Software Solutions - Web Based or Windows Based Calculations - Automated and Pre-filled Forms

3 FRB Web – Integrated Solution Introduces in January 2000 FRB Integrated Solution combines four applications into one: –HR specialist calculator –HR representative for calculating Service Computation Dates –Employee access to the same comprehensive calculator –Automated and Pre-filled retirement/benefit forms Works off one central database Data Download Service - Pre-fills employee profile - Pre-fills salary history - Provides a bi-weekly update of salary information Works as an Application Service Provider


5 Retirement Calculator Handles the full range of retirement or separation actions: –Voluntary, early, death-in-service, disability Handles part-time and intermittent service Calculates deposits and redeposit owed Military Deposits (include USERRA service) FERS supplement Calculates Social Security (Old Age/Disability) Calculates TSP and survivor benefits

6 Benefits Statement Feature Personal Benefits Statement –Available on-line/on-demand Pre-calculated retirement benefits –Optional retirement, early out, disability –Quick comparison of options on a single report Other benefits –Health insurance, life insurance, TSP, sick leave, annual leave, death benefits

7 Automated Forms Automated Forms: integrated into FRB Web 3 sets of forms: CSRS forms, FERS forms, OPM forms (total of 32 forms) Data flows automatically from FRB calculator into Automated Forms –E.g., service history data flows into 2801-1 form and to other forms

8 FRB Web – Integrated Solution Advantages Facilitates employee self-service and communications between employee and HR specialist Facilitates centralized, automated retirement processing –Minimizes data entry or reentry –Allows for remote data entry and use –Significantly reduces time required to process retirement case –Optional data download to pre-fill the employee profile, salary history and bi-weekly updates of salary information

9 HR/Benefits Specialist Role Select employee Review/enter historical data Select scenario/type of retirement Select calculation options Develop a preferred scenario and obtain report Select Automated Forms

10 FRB Web Login Two types of licensing for the HR community: - HR/Benefits Specialist - HR Representative for calculating SCDs only Login procedures –Sign-in, controlled access, security procedures Employee access - Limited to individual employee information User accesses iForms after login

11 HR/Benefits Specialist Role Employee Data Management HR specialist searches for employee data in the central database –Search is conducted by name or SSN HR specialist can scroll down roster list of employee records New employees can be added





16 Easy Navigation

17 Informational “Help” Items on every screen

18 Detailed Service History Based on data available in the employee’s OPF service history is entered as foundational data to support calculations –Period of service, retirement plan, employee type (LEO/FF, ATC, Military Tech), work schedule, deposit/redeposit paid Specialist can enter or modify service data –Employees can only view the data Calculator uses data to determine creditable service, eligibility, and retirement benefit


20 Deposits/Redeposits System maintains data on deposit payments and refunds

21 Service Computation Dates

22 Salary History

23 High-3 Calculation

24 Social Security Calculator

25 Spousal Social Security Calculator

26 Social Security Approximate Earnings

27 Scenario Manager

28 Sc enario Home Screen - Calculation Menu

29 Calculation Options Next series of screens show examples of different calculation options These options can be exercised by employee for “what-if” scenarios To select an item to include in the calculations just check the box from the calculation menu.

30 Retirement Options

31 Survivor Benefits

32 Health Insurance

33 Life Insurance

34 Deposit/Redeposit Decisions

35 Salary Projection

36 Service Projections

37 Sick Leave Calculator

38 TSP Calculator

39 Social Security Calculator Social Security is key component for FERS employees and some CSRS employees with Social Security eligibility based on non-Federal employment Affects CSRS Offset employees Needed for calculating “Catch 62” for CSRS employees who have not paid military deposit Spousal Social Security needed to calculate Public Pension Offset Project future entitlement based on employment after Federal retirement

40 Social Security

41 Output Report - Inputs

42 Output Report - Benefits



45 Output Report - Service History

46 Output Report - Salary History

47 Automated Forms

48 iForms SF 2801-1


50 FRB Web – Integrated Solution Easy/Secure Access 128 SSL-Dual Firewall Same Comprehensive Tool for HR and Employees Federal Retirement Social Security TSP Customer Service by Telephone and E- mail Automated and Pre- Filled Forms (employee profile and service history) On-Line Form Filling – Ready for Electronic Filing of Retirement Applications Available 24/7/365Calculations and Forms on the Same Tool Forms Compatible with E-OPF Saves Time, Resources, and enhances Administrative Accuracy

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