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Opposing Political Ideas Mrs. Buccino. Jay Treaty 1794 Chief Justice John Jay proposed that the British leave the Northwest Territory and encourage trade.

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Presentation on theme: "Opposing Political Ideas Mrs. Buccino. Jay Treaty 1794 Chief Justice John Jay proposed that the British leave the Northwest Territory and encourage trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opposing Political Ideas Mrs. Buccino

2 Jay Treaty 1794 Chief Justice John Jay proposed that the British leave the Northwest Territory and encourage trade Could not put an end to British impressment

3 XYZ AFFAIR  French were angry over the Jay Treaty and began to seize American ships  Adams sent representative to negotiate with France  Met by secret French agents and were asked to give a 250,000 bribe to the agents as well as pay 10 million to see the French foreign Minister

4 Quasi War with France 1798  The United States entered a Naval War with the French but neither side ever declared war. They began to seize each others ships.

5 Alien and Sedition Acts  Alien – the President could deport or imprison citizens of other countries living in the U.S.  Sedition – quiet anyone who spoke out against the gov’t with imposing fines

6 Election of 1800  Nasty campaign  Jefferson wins the popular vote but not the Electoral college  House of Representatives decides who is President and chooses Jefferson

7 Federalists Try To Save Face  Adams wants to keep Federalists ideals in place  Appoints midnight judges  Marbury v. Madison

8 The Jefferson Administration  His Agenda as President included:  Reducing the influence of national government in the lives of Americans

9 The Jefferson Administration  Domestic Politics  Refused to address Congress  “Mr. President”  Reduced taxes  Cut bureaucracy & armed forces

10 The Jefferson Administration  Jefferson’s main enemies were: 1. John Adams 2. Alexander Hamilton 3. Aaron Burr

11 Jefferson’s Western Program  Followed the Northwest Ordinance  Sent James Madison to buy New Orleans from France  France was willing to sell more than just New Orleans  US doubled in size

12 Jefferson’s Foreign Policy  Embargo Act of 1807 – in reaction to impressment by both the British and the French, Jefferson stopped all trade with European nations  American economy suffered and many began to smuggle goods to England & France in direct violation of the President’s orders

13 Jefferson Administration  Jefferson leaves office on bad terms: 1. Foreign Policy is a mess 2. Louisiana Purchase places US in Debt 3. Louisiana Purchase causes tensions with the Native American population.

14 Native American Politics  1780-1790 The Native Americans could not stop the Americans from invading their territories  By 1790 w/the help of the British and warriors like Little Turtle the Native America tribes were able to hold back the Americans

15 Native American Politics  Victory for the Natives would not last long  In 1794 General Anthony Wayne defeated them in Ohio forcing them to relinquish hold of all of southern Ohio

16 Native American Politics  By the 1800s Native American tribes decided to: 1.Accept this new way of life 2.Adopt religious revitalization 3.Enter military & political alliances.

17 Native American Politics  Accommodation Included: peace, live on gov’t money, adopt custom, change clothing This was done by Little Turtle

18 Native American Politics  Religious Revitalization A blend of traditional beliefs & customs with those of European descent. This included land, agriculture and family life. This was done by Handsome Lake

19 Native American Politics  Cooperation included: Rejection of assimilation, honor traditions, stop drinking and fighting This was done by Tenskwatawa & Tecumseh

20 Native American Politics  Pan-Indian Movement – focused on spiritual renewal and political unity to defeat the Americans  Created by Tecumseh, many Indians began the movement.

21 Native American Politics  Battle of Tippecanoe Between several Native American tribes and William Henry Harrison Took place in Indiana The Battle was a draw Native American lost faith in the Pan-Indian Movement

22 The End The End

23 War of 1812  The British were still interfering with American and French trade  By 1812 Congress was fed up and urge James Madison to declare war

24 War of 1812  Declaration of war was not a smart move since the Americans only had a small army and navy  American land forces were defeated by the summer of 1812

25 War of 1812  The War on Water:  The United States Navy was outnumbered twenty to one in ships  Americans won small victories  British Naval Power was astounding

26 War of 1812  Destruction of Washington DC took place on August 24, 1814  British descend on Washington with 4,000 soldiers  Burnt the White House and Capitol Building

27 War of 1812  Hartford Convention – some citizens wanted to break away from the Union b/c of the trade restrictions imposed b/c of the War  On Christmas Eve 1814 – The Treaty of Ghent was signed since neither the British nor the Americans wanted this war.

28 Battle of New Orleans Battle of New Orleans occurs as a result of slow communication December 23 – the British try to capture New Orleans with 11,000 men Andrew Jackson had 4,500 defending the city Jan 8 th the British get arrogant and decide to attack without having a good position

29 Battle of New Orleans  Battle lasted an hour  Most shooting took place in the first 20 minutes  British suffered 2,036 casualties  Americans suffered 21 casualties

30 The End

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