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Bruno a Former Street Child An Autobiography - literacy resource What is an Autobiography?

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Presentation on theme: "Bruno a Former Street Child An Autobiography - literacy resource What is an Autobiography?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bruno a Former Street Child An Autobiography - literacy resource What is an Autobiography?

2 It is an account of someone’s life, from their own point of view. It should: be in the past tense be in the first person be in chronological order include key incidents or events What else could you add to this list?

3 Your Task Just as you described an event in your life for ‘Your Life Story’, you are now going to describe some events in Bruno’s life. You are going to write his autobiography. You have read the interview with him and have found out about his life whilst living on the street. Your task is to write an autobiography about Bruno’s life, using your knowledge of his life. Before you start you will need to work on: –Punctuation –Description –Figures of speech –Beginnings and endings

4 4 easy steps to improve your writing? Make sure you include: 1.Description - what does it look like? How does it feel? Paint a picture for your reader. 2.Punctuation - have you used commas? What about a new paragraph for each new topic? 3.Figure of speech –have you used a simile or a metaphor? 4.Start and finish - capture your reader’s interest at the start and reflect at the ending

5 Task 8:How to Start How will you grab your reader’s attention from the start? Choose one of these phrases to weave into your opening paragraph: –There’s one part of my childhood that I’ll never forget…. –It’s a good to have difficulties during your life time because… –Never have I been so cold, tired and hungry as…

6 Task 9: How to finish Think about how Bruno’s story ends. How could you turn it into a reflection? Choose one of these phrases to weave into your final paragraph: –I often think about that special day –I often wonder if things would have been different if… –It’s a memory that will stay with me forever

7 Send a Cow Send a Cow works with many families who live in poverty and works to give them the hope and the means to secure their own futures from the land. To find out more about our work please visit: To find more lesson resources please visit:

8 Thanks! We are:

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