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The Impact of Making Friends in Elite Evangelism.

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1 The Impact of Making Friends in Elite Evangelism

2 Objectives 1. To create an increasing awareness on the part of each attendee that soul winning begins with making friends.

3 2. To assist each group and members in becoming more like Jesus in loving acceptance toward others.

4 3. To encourage each group/member to consciously establish friendship with non- Christian or non- Adventists in view of influencing them for Jesus.

5 4. To awaken our understanding to the Biblical method of Evangelism.

6 Discussion and Sharing Time 1. What influence you to join the church ? [ list down ]

7 2. Define true friendship. What qualities do you look for in friendship ? [ list down 5 ]

8 3. Do you agree with the statement “ The church should have Biblical standard for membership, highest standards for leadership, but no standard for fellowship”.

9 4. Read the story in Luke 7 :36 – 50. Discover and write down principles in which Jesus showed to the “sinful woman”.

10 5. Explore friendship evangelism principle in Romans 15:7.

11 Do you know that !!!!!! 57% of all converts to the SDA Church are invited to evangelistic meetings or church by relatives or friends

12 3 Approaches in bringing people to the church According to Flavel Yeakley : 1. “Manipulative monologue “

13 2. “Information Transmission “

14 3. “Creative dialogue “

15 Finding Friends Number of Friends [ of each member] Converts – became active members Dropouts 008 1013 2014 318 424 522 681 7130 8120 9 +120

16 “ Agree with the people on every point where you can consistently do so. Let them see that you love their souls, and want to be in harmony with them so far as possible “ [ Evangelism p. 141. ]

17 “Your success will not depend so much upon your knowledge and accomplishments, as upon your ability to find your way to the heart” { Evangelism p. 437 }

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