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2 Chapter 13 – The Baptismal Service OUTREACH IS FOR EVERYONE Chapter 13 Baptismal Service Baptismal Service General Conference Women’s Ministries Department

3 to make it an occasion of solemn, sacred influence upon all spectators. “The one who administers the ordinance of baptism should seek to make it an occasion of solemn, sacred influence upon all spectators. Every ordinance of the church should be so conducted as to be uplifting in its influence.

4 Our churches need to be educated to greater respect and reverence for the sacred service of God.” Nothing is to be made common or cheap, or placed on a level with common things. Our churches need to be educated to greater respect and reverence for the sacred service of God.” Pastoral Ministry, p.164

5 Planning the service Songs of praise and testimony, a time of rejoicing and prayer, and encouragement Songs of praise and testimony, a time of rejoicing and prayer, and encouragement in the Word are appropriate at a baptismal service.

6 Candidates for baptism should be given the opportunity to affirm their acceptance of the doctrinal beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the presence of the church or an appointed committee. Candidates for baptism should be given the opportunity to affirm their acceptance of the doctrinal beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the presence of the church or an appointed committee. This may be done prior to the baptism.

7 After the baptismal ceremony, new members should be extended the right hand of fellowship, followed by a few words of welcome by the pastor or elder in behalf of the entire church. After the baptismal ceremony, new members should be extended the right hand of fellowship, followed by a few words of welcome by the pastor or elder in behalf of the entire church.

8 A Certificate of Baptism may be presented to the candidates. A Certificate of Baptism may be presented to the candidates. Other gifts may be given, perhaps a book, in memory of that day. Some churches invite the Special Friends or Guardians of each candidate to come up after the baptism Some churches invite the Special Friends or Guardians of each candidate to come up after the baptism and read with them the charge for the newly baptized.

9 Affirmation of belief Candidates for baptism or those being received into fellowship by profession of faith shall affirm their acceptance of the doctrinal beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the presence of the church or other properly appointed body. According to the Church Manual, “Candidates for baptism or those being received into fellowship by profession of faith shall affirm their acceptance of the doctrinal beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the presence of the church or other properly appointed body. The minister or elder shall address the following questions to the candidate(s), whose reply may be by verbal assent or by raising the hand.

10 Leading the service The minister serves as the spiritual leader and advisor of the church. The minister serves as the spiritual leader and advisor of the church. The minister, with the assistance of the elders, is expected to plan for and lead out in all spiritual services of the church. In the absence of an ordained pastor, the elder may request the president of the conference or mission to arrange for the administration of the rite of baptism to those desiring to unite with the church. In the absence of an ordained pastor, the elder may request the president of the conference or mission to arrange for the administration of the rite of baptism to those desiring to unite with the church.

11 Continuing support Continued unconditional love and friendship are very important to the new believer. A fellowship meal after the baptism will give the candidates time to share the joy of fellowship and praise. A spiritual guardian or guardians may be chosen to keep in touch with the candidate for encouragement and friendship.

12 If the candidate is not already a part of a small study group, assisting him or her to find a group will be a blessing.

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