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How can I help The Carers Centre? If you have received support from The Carers Centre over the last few years, then perhaps you would like to help us too.

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Presentation on theme: "How can I help The Carers Centre? If you have received support from The Carers Centre over the last few years, then perhaps you would like to help us too."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can I help The Carers Centre? If you have received support from The Carers Centre over the last few years, then perhaps you would like to help us too - whether that be through practical help, or a donation - it can all help us to continue our high quality and invaluable services to carers in the future. How could I help financially? Although we get funding from Government sources our charity relies on the generous support from the public and charitable trusts to fund its work. Of every £1 we spend on our clients, 70p comes from Government sources and 30p has to be fundraised. Whether you are able to give a one off donation or give on a more regular basis, your contribution (large or small) will make a real difference to our work. Please support us in whichever way you can: Donation by Cheque - Please fill out the form on the reverse and enclose with your cheque. Remember that if you are a taxpayer, you can increase the size of your donation through Gift Aid. Online giving - If you would like to make a one-off donation then you can always make a secure donation online - just go to the ‘About Us’ page on our website. Standing Order - For more regular giving, consider setting up a standing order, which means you have control as to the timing and amount that you’d like to pledge to us. Again don’t forget the Gift Aid declaration! Leave a legacy - If you would like to leave something to The Carers Centre in your will and would like to find out how, contact us on 01273 746222 for a copy of our Legacies leaflet. Consider us for a memorial fund - Instead of flowers, ask your guests to contribute to a memorial fund with ‘The Carers Centre for Brighton and Hove’ as the beneficiary. Fundraise for us - Perhaps you’re great at marathon running, busking, or are planning a car boot? Whatever it is, would you consider fundraising on our behalf? for brighton & hove What difference will my donation make ? £5 could pay for refreshments at one of our regular coffee mornings, giving carers the chance to meet others in similar situations and gain peer support. £10 could pay for a young carer’s activity materials for a fun playday organised during the school holidays. £20 could pay for 30 copies of our Carers News, to be sent to carers across the city, keeping them up-to-date on news, activities and groups that could benefit them. £60 could pay for counselling for a carer to help them deal with difficult changes in their relationships caused by their caring role. We need reliable volunteers to help us with mail-outs - and in particular the mammoth task of sending out 2000 copies of Carers News on a quarterly basis. It’s not all hard work - you get the chance to chat with other carers and we reward you with tea & biscuits! How could I help practically? If you think you could help out with any of these tasks give us a ring on 01273 746222

2 for brighton & hove DONATION FORM Please fill in the sections below that relate to your type of donation. Charity No. 1015728 / Company No. 2758481 YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS First Name: ______________________________________ Surname: ______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________Mobile No: ______________________________________ If you are happy for us to contact you by email to help us minimise costs, please supply your email address. You may change this preference at any time. Email address: _______________________________________ I wish to make a donation to The Carers Centre for Brighton & Hove for: £________ as a one off / monthly / quarterly annual donation (please circle which applies) STANDING ORDER FORM (Please fill out this section if you are making a regular donation) To The Manager Of (Name of Bank): _____________________________________________________ At (Bank Address): ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________ Post Code:_______________________ Account No. to be debitedSort Code Please pay The Carers Centre for Brighton & Hove sum stated at the frequency indicated above starting on ______________________and thereafter until further notice. Payable to CAF Bank (40-52-40) 25 Kings Hill Ave, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4JQ for the account of The Carers Centre for Brighton & Hove (A/C No. 00082496) Your Signature: ___________________________________________ Thank you. Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, we get an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue, helping your donation go further. This means that £10 can be turned into £12.50 just so long as donations are made through Gift Aid. Imagine what a difference that could make to us as a charity without it costing you any extra. So if you want your donation to go further, Gift Aid it. I want all donations I’ve made since 1st April 2013 and all donations in the future to be Gift Aid until I notify you otherwise. I am a UK taxpayer and pay an amount of Income Tax and / or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the tax that can be reclaimed on my donation(s)(tick box) Today’s date: ____________________________ Post your completed form to : The Carers Centre for Brighton & Hove, FREEPOST RSKR-KTEK-GZTU, Brighton BN1 2PT

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