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C VOCABULARY MACBETH. VALOR Noun Marked courage or bravery “Like valor’s minion carved out his passage” page 308.

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2 VALOR Noun Marked courage or bravery “Like valor’s minion carved out his passage” page 308

3 TREASONS Noun Betrayals of one’s country or oath of loyalty “But treasons capital, confessed and proved “ pg 314

4 IMPERIAL Adjective Of an empire; having supreme authority “as happy prologues to the swelling act of the imperial theme “ pg 314

5 LIEGE Noun Lord or king “My liege, they are not yet come back“ pg 315

6 SOVEREIGN Adjective Supreme in power, rank, or authority “Which shall to all our nights and days to come/ Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom” pg 320

7 AUGMENT Verb Make greater; enlarge “So I lose none/ In seeking to augment it” pg 328

8 PALPABLE Adjective Capable of being touched or felt “I see thee yet in form as palpable/ As this which I now draw” pg 328

9 STEALTHY Adjective Sly “Whose howl’s his watch, thus with his stealthy pace” pg 328

10 PREDOMINANCE Noun Superiority “Is ‘t night’s predominance, or the day’s shame” pg 338

11 INDISSOLUBLE Adjective Not able to be dissolved or undone “Command upon me, to which my duties/ Are with a most indissoluble tie/ For ever knit.” pg 343

12 PARRICIDE Noun The act of killing one’s father, mother or close relative “Their cruel parricide” pg 344

13 DAUNTLESS Adjective Fearless; Cannot be intimidated “And, to that dauntless temper of his mind” pg 344

14 JOCUND Adjective Cheerful, Jovial “Then be thou jocund” pg 348

15 INFIRMITY Noun Physical or mental defect; Illness “I have a strange infirmity” pg 353

16 TYRANT Noun A sovereign or ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly “From whom this tyrant holds the due of birth” pg 356

17 MALEVOLENCE Noun Ill will; Spitefulness “That the malevolence of fortune nothing/ Takes from his high respect” pg 357

18 PERNICIOUS Adjective Fatal; Deadly “Let this pernicious hour/ Stand aye accursed in the calendar” pg 366

19 JUDICIOUS Adjective Showing good judgment “He is noble, wise, judicious, and best knows” pg 367

20 SUNDRY Adjective Various; Miscellaneous “More suffer, and more sundry ways than ever” pg 371

21 INTEMPERANCE Noun Lack of restraint “Boundless intemperance/ In nature is a tyranny” pg 372

22 AVARICE Noun Greed “A stanchless avarice” pg 372

23 PERTURBATION Noun Disturbance “A great perturbation in nature” pg 381

24 PRISTINE Adjective Original, Unspoiled “And purge it to a sound and pristine health” pg 387

25 CLAMOROUS Adjective Noisy “Those clamorous harbingers of blood and death” pg 390

26 HARBINGERS Noun Forerunners “Those clamorous harbingers of blood and death” pg 390

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