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Essay #2 Assess the effectiveness of government policies to reduce gender and ethnic inequalities.

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1 Essay #2 Assess the effectiveness of government policies to reduce gender and ethnic inequalities.

2 Additional Information The full time gender pay gap at historic low (11.9% in Scotland), however the Chartered Management Institute reported that it would not be until 2067 that pay equality would be achieved. Rise in number of female small business owners however women affected disproportionately by Coalition’s benefit changes. Women still more likely to suffer poverty, 30,000 women sacked per year for being pregnant. 2 million workers benefit from NMW- 75% of them women or ethnic minorities. 2010 government report ‘Tackling Race Inequality: Statement on Race’ acknowledged progress in tackling racial inequality in UK. Success of initiatives such as Ethnic Minority Employment Task Force and Black Pupils Achievement Programme.

3 Assess the effectiveness of government policies to reduce gender and ethnic inequalities. Think about what inequalities exist Then consider what the government has tried to do to fix them Then what evidence shows there has been an improvement or not! Remember to use the language from the question – effectiveness, inequalities. REMEMBER MUST BE BALANCED PEEB

4 Introduction Government policies to reduce inequalities in gender and race have been successful to some extent, there is still much to be achieved. Unfortunately inequalities in both gender and race still exist despite government attempts to remove them, there is still a pay gap between men and women and ethnic minorities still feel discriminated against by the police. The 2010 Equality act was a move to improve this, but as the 2011 England riots proved, there is still racial discrimination and perception of discrimination.

5 Middle Section – Aim for 4 paragraphs 2 for gender and two for race. Your introduction and conclusion should cover both. You might want to structure your arguments around the government attempts to reduce inequalities. The government recognised a need to increase equality between genders as far back as 1975, when they introduced the Sex Discrimination Act. This made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex and was amended in 2006 to make it illegal to sack women for pregnancy. Despite these positive moves to reduce discrimination it was not eradicated. In 2009 Gillian Williams sacked from Airlink Management services for being pregnant, however, due to the legislation she was granted compensation of £5000. The unfairness of her position was recognised under the law, and this was just one case which was upheld and encourages businesses to be more gender equal. This shows the policy was effective to a small extent. An example of government policy. An example and explanation to assess the effectiveness of the policy. A mini conclusion

6 Middle Section – Continued, 3 more key arguments to structure your response 2-2010 Equality Act with regards to women. What is it and how effective was it. Use and example and explanation as evidence to back up your argument. Mini conclusion with regards to the question. 3-1976 Act &2003 MacPherson report with regards to ethnicity. What is it and how effective was it. Use and example and explanation as evidence to back up your argument. Mini conclusion with regards to the question. 4-Equality Act with regards to race. What is it and how effective was it. Use and example and explanation as evidence to back up your argument. Mini conclusion with regards to the question. Use facts you have discovered during your investigation and the Gender and Race information provided to explain the policies and give examples and explanations which demonstrate how effective, in other words how successful the policies have been.

7 Conclusion Look at the question again, review your arguments and examples and sum up. Only really has to be 3 sentences. Don’t introduce new arguments here, but you can introduce a new piece of evidence to back up your position. Remember what you said in your introduction and conclusion and don’t contradict yourself. Link to question – use language from question Qualify the effectiveness – very, greatly, not at all, to some extent… No new argument, but new evidence if relevant. Make sure your argument flows!

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