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Alternate Benchmark Alignment Panel. Introductions Please give your name, your district and town, and say something about your experience with the ALT.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternate Benchmark Alignment Panel. Introductions Please give your name, your district and town, and say something about your experience with the ALT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternate Benchmark Alignment Panel

2 Introductions Please give your name, your district and town, and say something about your experience with the ALT Alignment Team We want to learn about you, the panel members

3 Orientation

4 Daily Schedule 7:30 Continental Breakfast 8:30 Convene a.m. session 10:00 Morning Break 10:15 Continue a.m. session 12:15 noon Lunch Break 1:00 Convene p.m. session 3:00 Afternoon Break 3:15 Continue p.m. session 5:00 ADJOURN!

5 Schedule for 3 Days

6 What will we do here? Compare the Content of ALT –Data Collection of Student Work –Performance Events –Teacher Observation of Academic Skills With the Content of the Alternate Benchmarks in –Reading –Writing –Mathematics

7 Why? To: Conduct a professional review by experts (you) Use a structured and credible process Evaluate the strength of the link between the alternate assessment and the alternate benchmarks Produce a report that summarizes the findings

8 We have Two Purposes (1)Good Assessment Practice: An Alignment Study Helps Document Validity Of Score Interpretations. making sure all students benefit from policy decisions (2) Meet USDOE requirements to document quality of assessment for “Peer Review” purposes.

9 & Ultimately to Improve achievement for students with significant cognitive disabilities by aligning Academic standards Instruction, and Assessment

10 Content Alignment

11 Training Introduction

12 What is involved in training? Learn criteria for making judgments Become consistent (reliable) in making them

13 Two fundamental judgments Content Alignment Identify content match (link) between AA items and alternate benchmarks? Complexity Rate the level of complexity of AA items against a common rubric

14 Becoming Reliable Practice to establish consistent judgments Compare ratings on practice items Discuss reasons

15 Training

16 Depth of Knowledge Typically judged at four levels: (a) recall of fact, information, or procedure; (b) skill in using information or procedures of two or more steps; (c) strategic thinking, reasoning, developing a plan or sequence of steps, complexity, more than one possible answer, requiring less than 10 minutes to do (d) extended thinking, requiring an investigation, time to think and process multiple conditions

17 DOK: Levels of Complexity for this Panel—Expanded Lower End CodeLabel 1Attention 2Memorize/Recall 3Performance 4Comprehension 5Application 6Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation XToo vague

18 Examples for Codes 1 & 2 Attention (1) touch, look, vocalize, respond, attend, recognize Observe others using measurement language (inch, foot, mile, longer shorter). Purposefully touch literacy-related materials. Attend to reading of words or pictures/symbols/objects. Memorize/Recall (2) list, describe, identify, state, define, label Identify specific facts or ideas/opinions to include. Identify first and last. Describe attributes of shapes (e.g., points, sides, edges, etc.). Label coins/bills and their values.

19 Examples for Codes 3 & 4 Performance (3) perform, demonstrate, follow, choose, count, locate Choose the correct operation for the situation. Use a picture dictionary to look up a word. Locate details in passage to support opinion. Comprehension (4) explain, conclude, group, restate, review, translate Explain difference between combinations. Group objects in sets of tens up to 100. Review other sources for supportive details and write notes.

20 Examples for Codes 5 & 6 Application (5) compute, organize, collect, apply, classify, construct, solve, operate, use, generalize Organize information while reading (e.g., use graphic organizers, take notes, underline or highlight). Construct two- and three- dimensional shapes. Generalize use of familiar words, pictures/symbols/objects to communicate meaning. Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation (6) take apart, combine, differentiate, divide, isolate, dissect, pattern, analyze, experiment, test, compare, contrast, diagram, compose, predict, extend, hypothesize, create, modify, connect, plan, design, defend, verify, conclude, value, assess, rate, judge, appraise, evaluate Differentiate right angles from other angles. Create growing patterns by attribute and number. Select and evaluate text on personal criteria. Predict how change in one element may change the other element

21 X = Too vague Behavioral expectation is unclear; can’t code Appreciate literature Grasp literary techniques Focus on task Apply critical thinking Understand temporal concepts

22 DOK: Reading & Math Example (All Together) Demonstrate use of variety of texts (e.g., send an email, read the news, seek information). Recognize coins and bills when given label. Use a computer, newspaper, menus, etc., and demonstrate the ability to find information in the sources.

23 DOC: Mathematics—Diads A.Student demonstrates fluency in computing and estimating B.Demonstrates use of clock, daily schedule, calendar C.Student demonstrates understanding of concepts and processes of measurement D.Counts money. E.Label coins/bills and their values

24 DOK: Reading—Diads A.Demonstrate understanding that pictures/symbols/objects hold meaning. B.Demonstrate understanding of environmental print, pictures/ symbols/ objects. C.Integrate an unfamiliar word/symbol into current vocabulary. D.Demonstrates understanding of the letters of the alphabet by name/sign.

25 DOK: Writing—Diads A.Use intentional movement to produce graphic representation (e.g., make marks on page, arrange pictures/symbols, hit keys). B.Write in word strings or simple sentence patterns. C.Demonstrate understanding of simple mechanics D.Use graphic representations to represent ideas (e.g., write, dictate, select, point/touch, order picture/symbols).

26 Understanding Alignment Grade Level or Alternate Standards Alternate AssessmentClassroom Instruction Student Learning This weeks’ project

27 Does the AA task match (align) with the Expanded Benchmark? AA Reading Performance Task Read the article. After you read the sentence with the unfamiliar word, stop reading and ask “Which word in this sentence is a new word for you?” The student independently identifies an unfamiliar word. Expanded Benchmark Organize information while reading (e.g., use graphic organizers, take notes, underline or highlight)  Yes  No

28 Student Work Entry—Sight Words fish cat home fish Match picture to printed word Match Printed word to picture  Use picture/context cues to determine unknown words.  Integrate an unfamiliar word/symbol into current vocabulary. Expanded Benchmark

29 Does the AA task match (align) with the Expanded Benchmark? AA Mathematics Performance Task Place the five sticks and ten cubes randomly on the workspace and say “Sort these.” The student sorts the mathematics materials without assistance. Expanded Benchmark 2.1.20(B) Sort collections of items (e.g., attribute blocks).  Yes  No

30 Which expanded benchmark does the task match? AA Mathematics Performance Task Review the map and features of the park with the student and place the park area options on the workspace. Say “You need to choose a topic for your poster. Your poster will be about a place in the park that you would like to visit.” “Choose a topic to write about.” The student independently selects a topic.  Choose a topic.  Use graphic representations to represent ideas (e.g., write, dictate, select, point/touch, order picture/symbols). Expanded Benchmark

31 Process & Procedures

32 Applying DOK to Alternate Benchmarks

33 Linking to Alternate Benchmarks & Rating Level of Complexity

34 What will we do now? Compare the Content of ALT Performance Events Data Collection of Student Work Teacher Observation of Academic Skills With the Content of the Alternate Benchmarks in Mathematics Reading Writing

35 Alternate Assessment Formats

36 Alternate Benchmarks

37 3 Judgments per ALT Item 1.Which alternate benchmark is this item linked to as the primary match? Required 2.Are there any alternate benchmarks that this item is linked to as a secondary match? If you identify added links. 3.What is the level of complexity DOK for this item? Required

38 Rating Forms—Same Information

39 Data Collection of Student Work

40 Data Collection Form

41 Teacher Observation of Academic Skills

42 Roles for Triads Content Teachers Teacher 1: Rate all items independently Teacher 2: Also rate all items independently Both look to Sp. Ed. Teacher for clarification Special Educ. Teacher Participate in ratings by reviewing AA items and describing special education practices When differences need to be reconciled, participates in resolving differences

43 Role Play Demonstration Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Sp. Ed. Teacher

44 Questions?

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