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Extended Assessments Elementary & Middle/High Reading Oregon Department of Education and Behavioral Research and Teaching January 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Extended Assessments Elementary & Middle/High Reading Oregon Department of Education and Behavioral Research and Teaching January 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extended Assessments Elementary & Middle/High Reading Oregon Department of Education and Behavioral Research and Teaching January 2007

2 Shipping List for TWO Grade Levels Standard Administration –Scoring Protocols –Student Materials –Administration Guide and Scoring Rules Scaffold Administration –Scoring Protocols –Student Materials –Administration Guide and Scoring Rules

3 Elementary Task Names 1. Decoding and Word Recognition 2. Reading Fluency 3. Vocabulary: Root Words – Dictionary 4. Vocabulary: Word Meaning and Context 5. Informational Text: Directions – Procedures 6. Informational Text: Structural Features 7. Informational Text: Sequence – Main Ideas/Details 8. Informational Text: Cause – Predictions – Inference 9. Literary Text: General Understanding 10. Literary Text: Develop an Interpretation

4 Secondary Task Names 1. Meaning from Context and Structure 2. Read to Perform a Task: Schedules and Routes 3. Reading: Tables and Charts 4. Reading: Summarizing and Sequencing 5. Reading: Inferences and Author ’ s Purpose 6. Reading: Prediction 7. Reading: Compare and Contrast 8. Reading: Character and Effect Construct 9. Reading: Identify Fact and Opinion 10. Reading: Identify Themes

5 Administration – Big Picture Task content/structure Pre-requisite Skills Content Prompts Materials Preparation Type of Administration (& accommodations) –Standard –Scaffold Scoring

6 Task Content/Structure The order of tasks – Which one first? Performance on pre-requisite skills: –Which level of assistance? –How many to administer? Wording of content prompts Pacing of items and prompts along

7 Pre-requisite Skills 1-2. Attention and Interaction 3. Word, Symbol, Parts 4. Meaning@7 4. Times 4. Passage Parts@2 5. Schedule 5. Choosing 5. Context 5. Summarize 5. Purpose 5. Prediction 5. Difference 5. Character 5. Opinion 5. Theme 1-2. Attention and Interaction 3. Letter, Passage, Word, Symbol, Title, Name 4. Sound 4. Word 4. Meaning@7 4. Beginning 5. Context 5. Purpose 5. Interaction 5. Match 5. Summarize@5 5. Ending Elementary Secondary

8 Content Prompts First four tasks are decoding-reading- vocabulary Last six tasks are about details and information: who- what-why-where First task is about word meaning Last nine tasks are about details (where to find what) and information: who- what-why-how Elementary Secondary

9 Materials Preparation All tasks have selection responses with choices among distractors Scaffold has pictures to prompt responses All tasks are multiple choice (3 options) Scaffold has passages demarcated with prompts Elementary Secondary

10 Scoring Full credit – Attention to details and specificity Partial Credit – General and in the ‘ball park’ answers that reflect the gist Exceptions – Occasional 2 point only Questions – Excessive prompts and synonyms

11 General Scoring Continued (1 point) To receive 1 point Students respond with the fundamental idea of the passage or text; The answer is partly correct and comes close to the correct response; (the answer, however, is either not entirely correct or somewhat vague or general). Note: When the task is decoding, this rule applies to parts of the word being read correctly. Note: When the answer requires two part responses, either one is correct. Pause for note taking

12 General Scoring Continued (2 points) To receive 2 points Students respond with specific details from the passage or text; Names and events are listed that are correct; The answer is elaborated upon with ALL the correct details. (Specific details that are incorrect are scored 0 points.) Note: When the task is decoding, this rule applies to the entire word being read correctly. Note: When the answer requires two part responses, both are correct. Pause for note taking

13 Standard Administration The last phrase/question prompt Student materials –More independent –May need prompting/repetition Use of distractors: Mixing/matching Schedules: Flexibility in time/sessions Role Play

14 Scaffold Administration Prior preparation – Flexibility in materials organization Materials Prompting Use of distractors: Mixing/matching Schedules: Flexibility in time/sessions Role Play

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