Researching Efficiently and Cost Effectively on Lexis Advance™ and 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Researching Efficiently and Cost Effectively on Lexis Advance™ and 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Researching Efficiently and Cost Effectively on Lexis Advance™ and 1

2 What is “Cost Effective” Research? Achieving a high level of competence using the product. Using the efficient research features and tips shared today. Asking your employer questions about the topic/issue assigned so you have a strong foundation to begin your research. Understanding your employer’s Subscription Plan. Understanding how your employer manages online research performed for clients. 2

3 Commercial Pricing Basics Subscription Pricing Plan: Most firms, courts, and agencies that have access to have a subscription pricing plan. This means they pay a fixed fee for typically unlimited use of the content they subscribe to as part of their plan. “Billing Back” Online Research: If and how a firm decides to bill clients for online research is up to each individual firm and varies greatly. Many large and mid-size law firms choose to bill online research charges back to some or all of their clients. They tend to use the “retail” rates we provide as a basis for what to charge a client for research performed on their behalf. Incorporated into Overhead: Many small firms and government accounts incorporate their Lexis Subscription fees into their overhead (or annual budget). As long as users are accessing content within the plan, there are no additional charges. It’s like pulling a book off the shelf…only attorney time is being billed. If users access content outside of their plan, retail rates generally apply. 3

4 LexisNexis related Pricing NOTE: Pricing descriptions below ONLY apply if billing research back or accessing content out of plan and discounts may apply. Its highly advised to get details from your employer’s LexisNexis Representative, Librarian or other individual. Retail Pricing: The retail prices for are transactional or hourly.. Transactional pricing is based on the search and the cost is related to the size of the database. Specific database charges are shown in the i (source information) box for the specific file on a commercial Id. Lexis Advance Retail Pricing: Pricing is based on a per document access model. For example, there is no charge to run a search across all content, browse cite lists, and refine results. A document access charge only occurs when a document is opened. NOTE: For cases and statutes, there is no additional charge to view the associated Shepard’s report and delivery options. 4

5 Lexis Advance™: Documents In & Out of Plan 5

6 Lexis Advance™: Free Preview 6

7 Lexis Advance™: Price Guide 7

8 Lexis Advance™: Research Efficiency Tips Word Wheel: Save time by choosing a legal term or phrase when in an unfamiliar area of law. Shepard’s® – Validate and Find More Supporting Authority. Shepard’s® is included in the document charge of the case or statute you are viewing. Table of Contents (TOC): In a TOC for a Statute or Treatise, use the +/- buttons to expand and contract sections for quick review before accessing a document. You also have the ability to run a search across the TOC. Legal Issue Trail: Save TIME with this innovative tool by tracing the development of a specific legal issue, concept or rule of law in a case. Narrow By and Sort By Options: Save time refining results with a variety of specific narrow by filters customized to the source tab you are viewing. Document Delivery : FREE on Lexis® Advance Lexis® Web: Save TIME by knowing your open web search results come from 250,000+ legal oriented websites validated by the LexisNexis® legal editoral staff. 8

9 Lexis Advance™: Research Efficiency Tips My Workspace: Save TIME and manage your research directly from the Lexis® Advance landing page with: History – Recall automatically saved research from your History log for up to 90 days for FREE. Compare Search Results – use the Compare Search Results tool within the Research Map under History to find commonalities and key documents. Folders – Automatically save a document or section of text from a search to a network of Folders & Sub-Folders created by you on Lexis® Advance. Alerts - Set up automatic updates for frequently run searches. You can view the summary of the update before accessing the document. Recent & Favorite Filters & Pre-Search Filters- Save and re-name any combination of Pre-Search Filters you use on a regular basis for quick access. Free Customer Support – Expert research assistance is available all day, every day by calling the LexisNexis® Customer Support group at 800-45-LEXIS. 9

10 Research Tips Get a Document – The most cost-effective way to retrieve a document when you know its citation. Shepard’s – the most cost effective way to start your research when you have a case or statute. The FOCUS – Restrict By link to search for other authority on your issue is FREE. FOCUS - The FOCUS feature is always FREE. Select your source and run a broad search. FOCUS as much as needed to narrow to the most relevant documents. Table of Contents & Book Browse- Viewing the Table of Contents or searching in the TOC is a more efficient and cost effective. Book Browse is free to view surrounding sections. History –Last 24 hours for FREE. History saved for 30 days LexisNexis Research Attorneys – 800-543-6862 Get FREE, expert research assistance For more tips, refer to Researching Efficiently for a Client literatureResearching Efficiently for a Client 10

11 Researching Efficiently and Cost Effectively on Lexis Advance™ and 11

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