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Skills are merely a vain invention, just a folly of the brain or idle fun so long as they are not used for the benefit of nations. Stanisław Staszic (1755-1826)

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2 Skills are merely a vain invention, just a folly of the brain or idle fun so long as they are not used for the benefit of nations. Stanisław Staszic (1755-1826) Founder of Technical Education in Poland

3 On 15 November 1915, Warsaw University of Technology began teaching independently as the first Polish technical university. However, its traditions go back much further. For almost 190 years, the University has been educating generations of engineers, thereby making a vital contribution to the technical sciences. In 2015 Warsaw University of Technology is celebrating 100 years of the its Revival.

4 Mission Chosen for a four-year term of office, the Rectors oversee the fulfilment of the Mission of Warsaw University of Technology of Warsaw University of Technology, an important assumption of which is adaptation of the education process and scientific research to the vision of the society of the future.

5 WUT in figures Fields of study3636 Faculties19 faculties + 1 college Studentsfull-time26251 ∑ 34135 ∑ 36955 part-time7884 Ph.D. studentsfull-time1192 ∑ 1248 part-time56 Participants of postgraduate study1572 Students of studies with foreign language as the language of instruction 1529 Academic teachers2148 Teachers with the degree of professor265 Teachers with the degree of associate professor287 Teachers with the Ph.D. degree1011 Non-academic employees2619 International cooperation agreements616

6 WUT in rankings and competitions Polish Ranking of Universities 2014 Constantly first place in „Technical Universities” group and additionally in „Prestige among employees” category. Ranking QS w kategorii Engineering & Technology Best Polish technical university. QS University Rankings Emerging Europe and Central Asia 2014/2015 28. place in general summary of the ranking, WUT came before other Polish technical universities. The Times Higher Education BRICS & Emerging Economies 2014 First place of all technical universities from the Region. Report of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education For five years, Warsaw University of Technology has been the university of choice for most candidatesfor five years.


8 University Structure  Faculty of Administration and Social Science  Faculty of Architecture  Faculty of Chemistry  Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology  Faculty of Electrical Engineering  Faculty of Physics  Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography  Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering  Faculty of Civil Engineering  Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering  Faculty of Production Engineering  Faculty of Environmental Engineering  Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science  Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering  Faculty of Mechatronics  Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering  Faculty of Transport  Faculty of Management  Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry (Płock)  College of Economics and Social Sciences (Płock)

9 Fields of study  Administration  Aerospace Engineering  Architecture and Urban Planning  Automatics and Robotics  Biomedical Engineering  Biotechnology  Chemical and Process Engineering  Chemical Technology  Civil Engineering  Computer Science  Economics  Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Engineering  Electrical Engineering  Electronics  Environmental Engineering  Environmental Protection  Finance and Accounting  Geodesy and Cartography  Geoinformatics  Informatics  Logistics  Management  Management and Production Engineering  Materials Engineering  Mathematics  Mechatronics  Mechanics and Machine Design  Paper-Making and Graphic Arts  Photonics  Power Engineering  Spatial Planning  Technical Physics  Telecommunications  Transport

10 postgraduate studies. Warsaw University of Technology offers over 100 postgraduate studies. Classes are conducted by experienced specialists with great knowledge and appropriate teaching qualifications. Unique curricula combine knowledge of scientific employees of Warsaw University of Technology and experienced professionals from the industry.

11 WUT Distance-Learning Centre – OKNO PW WUT Distance-Learning Centre – OKNO PW offers classes in the e-learning mode. During ”distance-learning” students have contact with the lecturer via an education portal during office hours of the university. OKNO PW prepares teaching aids which allow to acquire the knowledge in an effective way during the student’s individual work. These aids include multimedia, as well as remote laboratories which enable to conduct virtual experiments.

12 Warsaw University of Technology Business School Warsaw University of Technology Business School is a joint venture of Warsaw University of Technology and three renown European partners: London Business School, HEC Paris and Norwegian School of Economics. A great advantage of the School is the multicultural European character of studies, both in the case of lecturers and students. Classes are conducted in English. The teaching staff comprises of the highest class specialists – lecturers from renowned Polish and foreign universities. Great attention is paid to participation in classes of experienced professionals from prominent companies.

13 Centre for International Cooperation International cooperation is one of the priorities of Warsaw University of Technology. The Centre for International Cooperation is responsible for activities connected with international cooperation at WUT, supports other units of the University in their international teaching and research activities, initiates and facilitates international exchange programmes and serves as an information point for students.

14 Monitoring of Professional Careers of WUT Graduates 78% of graduates declares that they would choose the Warsaw University of Technology once again. 45,8% of those presently employed found a job within less than a month. 89% of WUT’s graduates perceives themselves as happy people. WUT graduates are most often employed in companies from the IT sector - 11%, architecture/civil engineering – 7,7%, aviation and space technology – 6,8%. *Study conducted by the Careers’ Office from February 2014 to April 2014

15 we learn all life long Curiosity of the world, striving to learn about new fields of science are not age-dependent - we learn all life long! It does not matter if you are 3 or 63 – it is never too late or too early to study at Warsaw University of Technology. Third Age University  Third Age University – lectures, laboratories, tutorials, workshops for people over 50.  WUT Junior  WUT Junior – learning through fun for primary and secondary school pupils.


17 Academic Research Centres Academic Research Centres play the role of academic and industrial units and conduct interdisciplinary research, service, training and promotional activities:  Academic Research Centre for Functional Materials  Academic Research Centre for Power Engineering and Environment Protection  Academic Research Centre for Aerospace Engineering  Academic Research Centre for Defence and Security  Academic Research Centre for Business at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science

18 research consortia The University is a member of research consortia, which combine the potential of outstanding scientists from various universities and other scientific institutions with that of entrepreneurs who wish to implement new technologies:  Centre for Pre-Clinical Research and Technologies (CePT)  Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT

19 Warsaw Technological Space – WUT Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management Warsaw Technological Space – WUT Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management is an original project of Warsaw University of Technology. The activity of the Centre covers the area of commercialisation and technology transfer, in particular:  identification of innovative results of research work conducted by Warsaw University of Technology and other Mazovian scientific units,  developing new solutions in the field of technology transfer and innovation management.

20 Warsaw University of Technology Long-term Investment Programme for 2015-2026. On 14th November 2014 the Senate of WUT accepted the objectives of the Warsaw University of Technology Long-term Investment Programme for 2015-2026. In the next 11 years fifteen already existing, mainly historical buildings of WUT will be redeveloped and regenerated. Almost 70 thousand square metres of new usable space will be created as part of the investment project.

21 Main Library Warsaw University of Technology Digital Library. WUT library and information system is the Main Library with its branches, which have in total over 1,500,000 volumes of printed books and journals and circa 10,000 electronic journals, over 136,000 e-books. The Main Library also has a collection of old prints, maps and an invaluable collection of over 36,000 photographs connected with architecture and urban planning. Most of the collection is available online via the Warsaw University of Technology Digital Library.

22 over 100 student research groups. At Warsaw University of Technology there are over 100 student research groups. Research projects conducted by students allow to combine knowledge gained in the course of study with practical skills. These projects often have a pioneering character and attract outside investors.  PW-Sat – first Polish satellite launched to the orbit.  WUT Solar Boat – an innovative project of building solar powered boat.  WUT Racing – a project of designing and building student F1 bolid.


24 artistic groups: Warsaw University of Technology students may realise their interests beyond studying at a technical university by being active in artistic groups:  Warsaw University of Technology Song and Dance Ensemble  Warsaw University of Technology Academic Choir  Folk Dance Company "Masovia” of Warsaw University of Technology Płock Branch  Entertainment Band of Warsaw University of Technology ”The Engineers Band”  Warsaw University of Technology Theatre

25 student clubs: Cultural activities at Warsaw University of Technology are supported by student clubs:  Stodoła - one of the biggest concert clubs in Warsaw, set up by students in 1972  Remont - the place of parties with club music and performances of young rock bands  Mechanik - its tradition dates back to the 60s, a daily meeting place of students of the Faculty of Mechatronics  Amplitron - belongs to the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, founded in 1970

26 University media WUT Students’ Cultural Monthly Student Internet TV Student Internet Portal WUT student radio and the first academic radio in Warsaw WUT Newsletter Social Media WUTSQUARE Blog

27 sports classes Physical Education and Sports Centre of Warsaw University of TechnologyAcademic Sports Club of Warsaw University of Technology (AZS PW) A unit which organises and conducts sports classes is the Physical Education and Sports Centre of Warsaw University of Technology, which, with the Academic Sports Club of Warsaw University of Technology (AZS PW), develops physical education of students and enhances mass sports activities. AZS PW sportsmen regularly participate in masters sports competitions. Pride of the Club is its volleyball team playing in PlusLiga.

28 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Made by: Office for Promotion and Information

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