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KG2 Learning Outcomes By the end of the year, students should be able to: 1- Language Arts Recognize and write all of the letters of the alphabet in upper.

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Presentation on theme: "KG2 Learning Outcomes By the end of the year, students should be able to: 1- Language Arts Recognize and write all of the letters of the alphabet in upper."— Presentation transcript:

1 KG2 Learning Outcomes By the end of the year, students should be able to: 1- Language Arts Recognize and write all of the letters of the alphabet in upper and lower case. Write first and last name. Learn sounds corresponding to vowels and consonants and combination of sounds (ex. diagraphs ) Learn all 42 sounds of the English language. Read and spell 3 letter words. Identify several high frequency words. Write simple sentences using sight words and phonics skills. Spell some words independently. Punctuate sentences and use some grammatical rules. Recognize and use rhyming words. Retell a story. Put events of a story in order. Identify the writer, the illustrator, the title, and the cover of a book. Identify characters and setting of a story. Draw pictures to represent ideas, stories, and reflections. 2 - Math Recognize, write and order numbers 1 to 20. Count orally from 1 to 100. Get introduced to writing numbers 1 to 100. Count orally by ones, twos, fives, and tens. Sort and classify objects by color, shape, and size. Understand spatial relationships (top/bottom, near/far, before/behind/ between). Identify, create and extend patterns. Use graphs to gather information. Identify solid and plane figures. Identify symmetry, equal parts, and half. Name ordinal numbers first through tenth. Estimate, weigh, and measure. Add and subtract numbers between Learn how to form numbers. Understand the concept of tens and units.

2 3- Science Use tools such as a magnifying glass, a ruler, and a balancing scale. Conduct simple experiments to learn how to observe carefully, to question, and to record findings. Explore the senses hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste. Explore the nature of plants and animals, their growth patterns, their basic needs , the care they require and their habitat. Explore features of land and water bodies. Identify weather conditions and seasons and their influence on living beings. Observe differences between day sky and night sky and the phases of the moon. Identify and explore different states of matter solid, liquid, and gas. Identify different materials and explore magnets. Explore ways to care for our planet and the environment. 4 - Social Studies Name all the people in their family. Appreciate similarities and differences across individuals, families, and traditions. Understand different roles in communities. Demonstrate ways of being good citizens, follow rules, work together, share, and take responsibility. Identify their country, their flag, and some famous landmarks of our country. Explore and interpret a map and locate their country on a map or globe. Get introduced to other continents and countries. Compare farm life to city Life. Use a calendar to say days of the week and months of the year. Realize past, present, and changes over time.

3 5 - Social/ Emotional/ Physical Development
Listen attentively and take turn to speak. Engage in speaking and listening activities to share ideas and express feelings. Act on instruction and repeat spoken directions. Engage and interact with classmates and teachers. Use meaningful syntax when speaking. (ex: include a subject , a verb, and simple connecting words when needed) Work in a team on projects or on problem-solving. Participate in group decision making. Take responsibility in learning and other activities. Follow classroom and school rules. Share and take turns. Care for materials and respect property of others. Cut, glue, color, and fold. Control pencil well. Useful links: www. Jolly phonics on Youtube

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