Beyond the Workshop: Job Embedded Learning for Beginning Teachers & Mentors.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond the Workshop: Job Embedded Learning for Beginning Teachers & Mentors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond the Workshop: Job Embedded Learning for Beginning Teachers & Mentors

2 Getting Started Give Prior positive experience with Job Embedded Learning Get Goals for this morning (and beyond)

3 Agenda Give + Get Context for our Work Overview of Programs & Supports So What, Now What? Applause

4 Beginning Teacher Growth Continuum* *Notes from Ministry Sessions (April 4/2005) Decision & Selection Pre-Service at Faculty Hiring & Placement Induction Ongoing PD

5 Pre-Service at Faculty How do we attract people to the profession? Selection process at Faculties of Education (e.g., profiles vs. marks) Beginning Teacher Growth Continuum* *Notes from Ministry Sessions (April 4/2005) Decision & Selection Hiring & Placement Induction Ongoing PD

6 Structure and duration of programs Models and examples of 2 way collaboration with boards Beginning Teacher Growth Continuum* *Notes from Ministry Sessions (April 4/2005) Decision & Selection Pre-Service at Faculty Hiring & Placement Induction Ongoing PD

7 Faculties of Education Partnerships Host Teacher MentorBoth TDSBFaculty Mutual Learning

8 First teaching assignment and initial workload considerations Implications for current “shuffling the deck chairs” method Beginning Teacher Growth Continuum* *Notes from Ministry Sessions (April 4/2005) Decision & Selection Pre-Service at Faculty Hiring & Placement Induction Ongoing PD

9 Hiring and Placement 2006/2007 Elementary (660) French Special Education Kindergarten Secondary (360) History English Science Mathematics

10 Beginning Teacher Growth Continuum* *Notes from Ministry Sessions (April 4/2005) Decision & Selection Pre-Service at Faculty Hiring & Placement Induction Ongoing PD More than mentoring Focus on developing teacher excellence vs focus on retention

11 Information vs Impression Induction Ongoing PD Ontario College of Teachers Transition to Teaching study (Dec/05) “Fewer than 1 in 12 graduates of Ontario’s faculties of education left the teaching profession in the first four years following graduation” “More than 91% remain members of the College” “Similarly low rates of loss appear to be emerging for the graduates of the subsequent three years”

12 Baseline Data: Retention First Year HiresElementarySecondaryTotal Transferred to another Board011 Terminated000 Long Term Disability101 Left Profession000 Other Reasons (e.g., spouse’s job changed, to raise children) 10 20 Total Not Returning11 22 Total Retained7085101218 Rate of Retention to TDSB98.4797.8998.23

13 Voices from the Classroom “Classroom Management. Oh god, help! Is it my voice? Is it my language?....Am I boring? Do I need a whistle? A bell? A door bell? A cooler hand signal? An accent? A funny hat? A stun-gun? Carpeted floors/walls/ceiling?.....What will get their attention, and sustain it?” Induction Ongoing PD

14 Voices from the Classroom “One issue that I wish was covered more in depth at my faculty of education is assessment and evaluation. It wasn't until I really had to put number marks into categories and crunch the numbers that I felt very uncertain of how to do it properly.” Induction Ongoing PD

15 Voices from the Classroom “How to teach to so many different learning levels...or how to assess the different learning levels and how to report on the very low students. I just did my first report cards and I felt very lost. I've gone through a difficult process of throwing away the book and starting to try and teach to the ‘real’ needs of my students.” Induction Ongoing PD

16 Baseline Data: Key Areas of Need 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2004/2005 2005/2006 What are the Issues? Classroom Management Assessment & Evaluation Report Cards & IEPs Diversity of Learners CommunicationPlanningAdministrative Tasks TPA

17 A sense that professional development is something that matters Growth for all teachers Beginning Teacher Growth Continuum* *Notes from Ministry Sessions (April 4/2005) Decision & Selection Pre-Service at Faculty Hiring & Placement Induction Ongoing PD

18 Considerations The heart and the art of teaching Power and danger of the anecdote Deficit vs Attribute approach School is where learning occurs Intentionalizing the sharing of knowledge and practice New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) funded by the Ministry Induction Ongoing PD

19 Considerations The heart and the art of teaching Power and danger of the anecdote Deficit vs Attribute approach School is where learning occurs Intentionalizing the sharing of knowledge and practice New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) funded by the Ministry Induction Ongoing PD

20 Considerations The heart and the art of teaching Power and danger of the anecdote Deficit vs Attribute approach School is where learning occurs Intentionalizing the sharing of knowledge and practice New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) funded by the Ministry Induction Ongoing PD

21 Considerations The heart and the art of teaching Power and danger of the anecdote Deficit vs Attribute approach School is where learning occurs Intentionalizing the sharing of knowledge and practice New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) funded by the Ministry Induction Ongoing PD

22 Considerations The heart and the art of teaching Power and danger of the anecdote Deficit vs Attribute approach School is where learning occurs Intentionalizing the sharing of knowledge and practice New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) funded by the Ministry Induction Ongoing PD

23 Considerations The heart and the art of teaching Power and danger of the anecdote Deficit vs Attribute approach School is where learning occurs Intentionalizing the sharing of knowledge and practice New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) funded by the Ministry Induction Ongoing PD

24 Baseline Data: Useful Supports 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 MentorOnline SharingBT Institutes & PDOther TeachersAdministratorOther TDSB Workshops School Based Mentor Online Sharing BT Institutes & PD Other Teachers School Administration Other Workshops What’s Been Helpful? 2004/2005 2005/2006

25 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 MentorOnline SharingBT Institutes & PDOther TeachersAdministratorOther TDSB Workshops School Based Mentor Online Sharing BT Institutes & PD Other Teachers School Administration Other Workshops 2004/2005 2005/2006 Baseline Data: Useful Supports Job Embedded Learning What’s Been Helpful?

26 Learning at School A Beginning Teacher walks into a school for the first time.... What are the initial and ongoing structures in place that will allow for the “intentional” sharing of knowledge and practice? Effective Teaching Practice Knowledge about Students School CultureSchool Logistics CurriculumStudent Knowledge

27 Beyond the Workshop* Reactions Did you like it? Learning What did you learn? Organizational Support What structures exist that will support systemic implementation? (importance of Principal) Application of Knowledge & Skill Evidence of implementation, need for follow up Impact on Student Learning Multiple indicators *Adapted from Thomas R Guskey - New Teacher Symposium (Feb 7/06) Nice Critical

28 Models of Mentoring Broker Mentor One to One Mentor Matching Group Mentoring Informal Mentoring Online Mentoring

29 Roles & Stances of an Effective Mentor* Offering Support and Providing Resources Creating Challenge and Encouraging Growth Facilitating Professional Vision *Adapted from Mentoring Matters 2nd Edition: Laura Lipton & Bruce Wellman with Carlette Humbard

30 Flexibility based on needs of Protégé *Adapted from Mentoring Matters 2nd Edition: Laura Lipton & Bruce Wellman with Carlette Humbard

31 Alignment of Support & Growth AugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJuly Resources CD* Beginning Teacher Coaches Working directly in classrooms with new hires Family of Schools Based Support FOS Beginning Teacher Coaches Local PD in key areas of need Job Embedded Learning (5 Days) e.g. 3 Days/Beginning Teacher + 2 Days/Mentor School - Based Central “System Mentoring” (3 Days) Subject specific curricular support and ongoing PD Ongoing Online Mentoring, Support, Collaboration & Resource Sharing Summer Institute Contract Signings Mentor/Beginning Teacher In - School Planning/PD Mentor/Beginning Teacher In - School Planning/PD Classroom Exchange Visit(s) FOS Celebrations Fall Institute(s) Winter Institute(s) Spring Institute(s) FOS Welcome FOS Based PD FOS Based PD New Mentor Training Weekly e-mails from Project Leader New Teachers TEL Conference New Mentor Training

32 Alignment of Support & Growth AugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJuly Resources CD* Beginning Teacher Coaches Working directly in classrooms with new hires Family of Schools Based Support FOS Beginning Teacher Coaches Local PD in key areas of need Job Embedded Learning (5 Days) e.g. 3 Days/Beginning Teacher + 2 Days/Mentor School - Based Central “System Mentoring” (3 Days) Subject specific curricular support and ongoing PD Ongoing Online Mentoring, Support, Collaboration & Resource Sharing Summer Institute Contract Signings Mentor/Beginning Teacher In - School Planning/PD Mentor/Beginning Teacher In - School Planning/PD Classroom Exchange Visit(s) FOS Celebrations Fall Institute(s) Winter Institute(s) Spring Institute(s) FOS Welcome FOS Based PD FOS Based PD New Mentor Training Weekly e-mails from Project Leader New Teachers TEL Conference New Mentor Training

33 Job Embedded Learning Initiative (JELI) School-based planning/PD with a Mentor Classroom Exchange visits Up to 5 total days of release time (e.g., 3 days for BT + 2 days for Mentor) JELI form is on BT Resources site: List of “example classrooms” will be posted in New Teachers.TEL and sent to FOS Cmtees

34 Alignment of Support & Growth AugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJuly Resources CD* Beginning Teacher Coaches Working directly in classrooms with new hires Family of Schools Based Support FOS Beginning Teacher Coaches Local PD in key areas of need Job Embedded Learning (5 Days) e.g. 3 Days/Beginning Teacher + 2 Days/Mentor School - Based Central “System Mentoring” (3 Days) Subject specific curricular support and ongoing PD Ongoing Online Mentoring, Support, Collaboration & Resource Sharing Summer Institute Contract Signings Mentor/Beginning Teacher In - School Planning/PD Mentor/Beginning Teacher In - School Planning/PD Classroom Exchange Visit(s) FOS Celebrations Fall Institute(s) Winter Institute(s) Spring Institute(s) FOS Welcome FOS Based PD FOS Based PD New Mentor Training Weekly e-mails from Project Leader New Teachers TEL Conference New Mentor Training

35 Funded centrally by Support for Beginning Teachers Project Coaches work directly in classrooms with new hires providing support and mentoring in key areas of identified need Classroom Management Assessment/Evaluation/Reporting Diversity of Learners FOS Beginning Teacher Coaches

36 Focus on classroom support Non-evaluative role How to teach vs. what to teach Does not replace school-based mentoring --> provides a “second layer” of Job Embedded support Mentor Training & Ongoing PD for BT Coaches Research component attached Coaching Model

37 Alignment of Support & Growth AugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJuly Resources CD* Beginning Teacher Coaches Working directly in classrooms with new hires Family of Schools Based Support FOS Beginning Teacher Coaches Local PD in key areas of need Job Embedded Learning (5 Days) e.g. 3 Days/Beginning Teacher + 2 Days/Mentor School - Based Central “System Mentoring” (3 Days) Subject specific curricular support and ongoing PD Ongoing Online Mentoring, Support, Collaboration & Resource Sharing Summer Institute Contract Signings Mentor/Beginning Teacher In - School Planning/PD Mentor/Beginning Teacher In - School Planning/PD Classroom Exchange Visit(s) FOS Celebrations Fall Institute(s) Winter Institute(s) Spring Institute(s) FOS Welcome FOS Based PD FOS Based PD New Mentor Training Weekly e-mails from Project Leader New Teachers TEL Conference New Mentor Training

38 Alignment of Support & Growth AugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJuly Resources CD* Beginning Teacher Coaches Working directly in classrooms with new hires Family of Schools Based Support FOS Beginning Teacher Coaches Local PD in key areas of need Job Embedded Learning (5 Days) e.g. 3 Days/Beginning Teacher + 2 Days/Mentor School - Based Central “System Mentoring” (3 Days) Subject specific curricular support and ongoing PD Ongoing Online Mentoring, Support, Collaboration & Resource Sharing Summer Institute Contract Signings Mentor/Beginning Teacher In - School Planning/PD Mentor/Beginning Teacher In - School Planning/PD Classroom Exchange Visit(s) FOS Celebrations Fall Institute(s) Winter Institute(s) Spring Institute(s) FOS Welcome FOS Based PD FOS Based PD New Mentor Training Weekly e-mails from Project Leader New Teachers TEL Conference New Mentor Training Resources CD is online at:

39 New Teachers.TEL Pathway: TDSB Conferences > School Services - Program > New Teachers.TEL

40 BT Resources Site

41 Alignment to Complete NTIP CentralFOSSchool Orientation Contract signings (ES Summer Institute Institutes for Late Hires BT Resources Booklet &...Web Site FOS Welcome Events School-based...orientation Ongoing Professional Development Fall/Winter/Spring...Institutes (Oct, Feb, May) New Teachers.TEL ICT Resources, Tribes,...Effective Classrooms FOS PD in Key Areas Classroom Mgmt A/E/R Diversity of Learners Communication/Parents Local Needs School-based PD...(see JELI below) Mentoring New Mentor Training...(Oct, May) PD for Coaches/Cadre/...FOS Cmtee FOS BT Coaches …working directly in …classrooms Mentor Cadre Site-based Mentor Job Embedded...Learning Initiative...(JELI) -- up to 5 total...days for BT/Mentor

42 The Heart & the Art of Teaching & Learning Human Development & Learning for our Students Effective Classroom Practice (Beginning Teachers) School Culture Mentor(s), Principal, All Staff Beginning Teacher Coaches FOS Support for Beginning Teachers Cmtees Sup’t, VP/P Chairs, Mentor Cadre Central Support for Beginning Teachers Project, Program & Special Education Departments

43 Allocation of NTIP & TDSB Funding

44 Learning at School A Beginning Teacher walks into a school for the first time.... What are the initial and ongoing structures in place that will allow for the “intentional” sharing of knowledge and practice? Effective Teaching Practice Knowledge about Students School CultureSchool Logistics CurriculumStudent Knowledge

45 Measurable Indicators Retention % of Beginning Teachers retained 1 - 5 years Survey Data Voices from the classroom - evaluation of program and supports by Beginning Teachers Performance % of Beginning Teachers receiving 2 satisfactory TPA’s within first 12 months

46 Something that “squared” with me (i.e. validated prior understanding) A question that is still “circling” around in my mind at this point Something I learned that could form the “base” of future action(s) Review: So What/Now What?

47 Jim Strachan Project Leader: Support for Beginning Teachers 416, 394-7261

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