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Presentation on theme: " Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation MIWP-7a: MIG temporary sub-group on Download Services for Observation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation MIWP-7a: MIG temporary sub-group on Download Services for Observation Data Kick-off meeting

2 Agenda 1.Flash tour de table 2.State of TG for download services. Recent SOS- related developments. (presentation, JRC) 3.Sub-group overview and mandate (presentation, JRC) 4.Preparation of a project plan, incl. timeframe and responsibilities 5.How do we work together? What tools, meetings and teleconferences? 6.AOB

3 1. Tour de table Frédéric Diomede Emmanuel Barbara Simon Sylvain Alessandro Alex Michael Kathi Anders Mickael Paolo Pawel

4 2. State of TG for download services. Recent SOS-related developments. Current version 3.1 contains sections for Atom WFS ‘Door’ left open for SOS

5 Why not Atom and WFS? Data view  Geospatial versus Observation centric perspective on data  Atom – not suited for the purpose of direct access  WFS is flexible enough to accommodate observation data, however: –WFS focus is on features –SOS focuses on observations (e.g. 1 TB of data for one feature) –Flexibility may lead to very different implementations

6 Recent SOS-related developments. Air quality pilot (2013)  Feasibility study –testing of different implementations, –cross-border case study.  First draft to a TG including SOS Mapping between INSPIRE and SOS (INSPIRE Conference 2013) Are3na study on SOS (2014)

7 TG update and Open Source INSPIRE/SOS Implementation (Are3na) Bundle of: Open Source Software Proposal for an update of the Technical Guidance document for INSPIRE Download services

8 3. Sub-group outcomes Outcomes:  a. Updated TG document for INSPIRE download services, including sections on download services for observations  b. Update TG document for observations and measurements (D2.9) (if required)  c. Example applications serving/consuming observation data through INSPIRE/SOS Expected to be active from Dec 2014 to Dec 2015

9 3. Sub-group tasks A. Project plan including deliveries in line timeframe. B. Review the proposal for the update of the TG for INSPIRE download services, provided by the ARE3NA study. C. Establish a web space and maintain an issue tracker for questions D. Maintain and extend the results of the INSPIRE/SOS study. E. Propose and coordinate with the MIG any update F. Propose and coordinate with the MIG any required update of TG for observations and measurements (D2.9) (if necessary) G. Test the proposed approach with data from different Member States and different clients (web and desktop). H. Regularly report the progress to the MIG.

10 4. Preparation of a project plan, incl. timeframe and responsibilities

11 TaskLeader, ContributorsDeadline Project planAlex, all2015-01-15 Review of Are3na study materialall2015-01-15 Establish web spaceAlex2014-12-20 Update and maintain Are3na study materials TBD, all2015-10-30 Propose and coordinate updates with MIG Alexcontinuous Propose and coordinate updates of D 2.9 TBD, Pawel, Barbara, Kathi, Paolo, Sylvain 2015-10-30 Regular reporting to MIGAlexcontinuous Use casesAnders, Sylvain, Emmanuel, Paolo, Barbara, Alex 2015-02-27 Implementation testbed SOS softwareTBD, Barbara, Frederic,2015-07-31 Implementation testbed SOS service with data TBD, Anders, Sylvain, Pawel, Barbara, Diomde 2015-07-31 Implementation testbed client-serverTBD, Diomede2015-09-30

12 5. How do we work together? What tools?  Issue tracker  Test server  Wiki  Others Regular teleconferences?  Frequency  Draft Dates (or Doodles on occasion) Face 2 face  INSPIRE/GWF 2015?  Others?

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