206 BCE – 220 CE.  Qin Dynasty collapses and after a few years of fighting, an Army Led by Liu Bang wins control  The Han Ruled for 400 Years.

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Presentation on theme: "206 BCE – 220 CE.  Qin Dynasty collapses and after a few years of fighting, an Army Led by Liu Bang wins control  The Han Ruled for 400 Years."— Presentation transcript:

1 206 BCE – 220 CE


3  Qin Dynasty collapses and after a few years of fighting, an Army Led by Liu Bang wins control  The Han Ruled for 400 Years

4  Liu Bang Was Peasant who became Emperor  He earned the loyalty and trust of his people.

5  1. He wanted people free from harsh government policies.  2. Lowered taxes for Farmers.  3. Gave large blocks of land for his supporters.  4. Made punishments less severe.  5. He set up his government built on the base of Highly educated people can become officials and help him rule.

6  #1. The Qin Dynasty collapsed and the __________________ Dynasty took over.  #2. The Armies were led by _______________.  #3. He wanted to free people from the Harsh government of the Qin that was led by this political Philosophy ____________________ HAN LIU BANG LEGALISM

7  Wudi wanted a strong central Government  Took land from the lords, raised taxes, placed grain supply under government control

8  If people could pass a test on Confucian Teachings, he could get a good position in government


10  #4. ________________ was the 6 th emperor of the Han Dynasty.  #5. Wudi took land from the lords and placed ________________ supply under ________________ control.  #6. People could get jobs in government if they passed a test on __________________. WUDI THE GRAIN GOVERNMENT CONFUCIANISM

11  Upper class – the Emperor, his court, scholars who hold government positions.  Second class – the largest – the peasant  Artisan class – produce items for everyday life  Merchants – lowest class – because they produce nothing they only buy and sell what others make  Military – is not a class – but joining the army allows people to rise in social status

12  The upper class – lived in a Palace – The emperor and His court


14  90% of 60 million during the Han Period were peasants and they were poor.

15  They are held as the 3 rd most important class on the fact that they produce something for society

16  Even though they were wealthy they are considered the lowest class because they do not produce anything

17  Family became important once again in Chinese society

18  Confucius’s family teachings was taught and followed by the Han People

19  Families were to respect the father.

20  Disobedience was a crime

21  #7. Once again _____________ became an important part of Chinese culture.  #8. The Han people follow _______________ teachings about the family.  #9. The Family should respect the ______________.  #10. Disobedience is a ______________. FAMILY CONFUCIUS FATHER CRIME

22  Respect for elders – some found government jobs based on the respect the show their parents  Children were encouraged to serve their and honor them even after death.  Boys are valued higher than Girls because sons carried the family line  Girls would join the husband’s family  An older widow could be the matriarch of the family


24  During the Han period the made advancements in the Arts, Literature, and science

25  Paintings are realistic scenes of everyday life

26  Han China was known for their poetry and developing the Fu style of poetry

27  One historian was Sima Qian

28  His writing are saved modern text  The Book is called the Shiji

29  1 great invention – PAPER – they grinded mulberry bark and hemp into a paste and then dried them into sheets made books and scrolls

30  The Sundial and the Seismograph  Sundial for time  Seismograph measures an Earthquake’s strength Sundial Seismograph Magnetic Compass

31  Is the practice of inserting fine needles through the skin at specific points to cure disease and relieve pain.

32  #11. _________ is the style of Han poetry.  #12. Sima Qian was a Chinese ___________.  #13. Sima Qian Wrote this book __________.  #14. ________ is one of the most popular of all inventions from the Han.  #15. What is it called when pins are placed into your skin and it will relax and even heal people? ___________________ FU HISTORIAN SHIJI PAPER ACUPUNCTURE


34  Han rulers moved away from legalism and based their government on Confucianism.  The Emphasis is on the Family Unit and respect for elders  Art and Learning thrived  And for the Han, it is the largest and oldest ethnic group in China

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