Routes into Languages National Network for Translation.

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Presentation on theme: "Routes into Languages National Network for Translation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Routes into Languages National Network for Translation

2 Routes into Languages A Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and Department for Children, Schools ad Families (DCSF) funded initiative to increase and widen participation in language study in higher education.

3 Funding £ 4.5 million for 3 years from HEFCE’s Strategic Development Fund

4 Routes programme will run for four years from 2006/07 to 2009/10. It will be led by the Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS), in a partnership with the University Council of Modern Languages (UCML) and CILT, the National Centre for Languages.

5 Routes (9) Regional Consortia 2 National Networks 3 Research projects

6 Regional Consortia Will offer different approaches to collaboration between HEIs, schools, 6th form and FE colleges, and agencies concerned with increasing and widening participation in language study

7 Research projects International events Community Languages Language education and enterprise

8 National Networks For Translation For Interpreting Will bring together HE providers, professional bodies and stakeholders, including employers, to develop programmes that will support economic and civic regeneration;

9 NN for Interpreting led by Leeds University, in partnership with University of Westminster, University of Salford and University of Bath

10 NN for Translation led by Salford University, in partnership with Aston University, University of Bath, Heriot Watt University, University of Portsmouth and University of Westminster

11 NN Translation: Key issues national shortage of first language English translators and interpreters concentration on Western European languages in current HE translation course provision. low national profile of careers in translation. need to develop stronger cooperation between course providers and potential employers

12 Activities 1 Generate promotional materials and organise information events for schools, colleges and HEIs to raise the profile of the translation profession in education and promote translation as an attractive career path.

13 Activities 2 Develop and roll out module templates for non-Western languages in translation for delivery in a number of the HEIs which are part of the network.

14 Activities 3 Develop and roll out existing structured programmes of work placements for translation students to increase synergy between the education sector and employers

15 Deliverables master template modules for translation and translation-related skills. promotion materials Guidelines and supportive materials for trainers

16 Information

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