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Expanding Horizons Connecting with Professional Organisations and External Partners.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding Horizons Connecting with Professional Organisations and External Partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding Horizons Connecting with Professional Organisations and External Partners

2 Challenges Dominance of English Decline in student numbers Funding climate Promoting the case for languages with students, funders and policy-makers Making our work relevant to our stakeholders

3 The importance of external engagement Other voices and new perspectives Aligning our offer to meet and exceed the expectations of stakeholders Giving meaning to rhetoric about global, international and intercultural aspirations Benefits of reciprocal relations

4 Three stages to set goals 1.Rank priorities for your language department 2.Allocate goals to your priorities 3.Focus on practical ideas to achieve your goals

5 Rank your priorities Resources and support Raise the profile of languages Innovation in teaching and research Boost numbers applying to study languages Grow IWLP Improve careers advice for students Personal and professional opportunities for languages colleagues Other?

6 Match goals to your priorities Examples: Inject inspiration and innovation Develop knowledge exchange Improve careers information and advice Foster links with businesses Work placements for staff

7 Inspiration for practical ideas Focus on ideas for practical ways of achieving your goals Look at mini-case studies and other good practice Consider ideas that meet your priorities and goals Be realistic about the time and resources available

8 Devising your offer Principle of collaboration for mutual benefit How can external partners support languages at your institution? What benefits can you offer to external stakeholders?

9 Benefits to HE of external partners’ support Careers and recruitment Knowledge exchange for personal and professional interest Strategic intervention Financial and practical support PR and publicity

10 Benefits to external partners of HE support Knowledge transfer and exchange Recruitment and workforce Financial and in-kind Organisational and personal / professional objectives

11 Making connections Harness existing contacts Seek international links in other faculties Involve alumni Host networking events Join other organisations Involve all colleagues in developing a professional ethos Be clear about commitment needed Follow up and thank partners

12 Mapping potential partners Consider the appropriate mix of: 1.Organisations for Language Professionals 2.Employers’ Organisations and Businesses 3.Local Partners and Stakeholders 4.National Organisations and Bodies 5.International, Multinational and Global Organisations 6.Communication partners AND ALUMNI IN ALL SIX CATEGORIES

13 Organisations for language professionals Teaching and Teachers’ Organisations ALL CILT ISMLA NALA SSAT TDA

14 Organisations for language professionals Professional Linguists’ Organisations ATC CIoL ITI SIETAR and Other Networks and Consortia, such as Routes into Languages and Links into Languages

15 Employers’ organisations and businesses Shared concerns The 2010 Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Education and Skills Survey cites employer dissatisfaction with UK graduates’ foreign language skills as the greatest source of dissatisfaction (56%) in graduate skills, and international cultural awareness as the third greatest source of concern (40%).

16 Need to understand the benefits of language learning For direct, instrumental reasons For transferable skills For personal and cognitive attributes

17 Targeting employer partners Which sectors? What size?

18 Key business organisations BITC CBI Chambers of Commerce CIHE FSB IEBE IoD UKTI

19 Local partners and stakeholders Community and voluntary organisations Conference and exhibition centres and sports venues Councils Schools and colleges Tourist offices Twinning organisations

20 National 0rganisations and bodies AHRC Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) Devolved governments in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales Westminster departments – BIS – DfE – FCO – MOD

21 International, multinational and global organisations CFCC in the UK European Commission in the UK IAMLADP NATO OECD United Nations

22 Communication partners Media experts Communications and PR Consultants Journalists and Broadcasters Champions Celebrities, sports personalities, business leaders and politicians

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