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Awkward PUBERTY Reproduction. BOYS Age: 12 -14 years old. Body shape & size: Rapid growth of legs & feet. Shoulders widen. Weight gain & muscle mass increase.

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Presentation on theme: "Awkward PUBERTY Reproduction. BOYS Age: 12 -14 years old. Body shape & size: Rapid growth of legs & feet. Shoulders widen. Weight gain & muscle mass increase."— Presentation transcript:

1 awkward PUBERTY Reproduction

2 BOYS Age: 12 -14 years old. Body shape & size: Rapid growth of legs & feet. Shoulders widen. Weight gain & muscle mass increase. Hair: Facial, underarm, leg & pubic. Voice: Becomes deeper with cracking. Skin: Produces more sweat, causing pimples & deodorant is recommended. Reproductive Organs: Penis & testes become larger. Production of sperm begins. Testosterone (male hormone) can cause mood swings & aggression.


4 GIRLS Age: 9 -13 years old. Body shape & size: Rapid growth of legs & feet. Hips widen, body fat may increase, breasts will develop. Hair: Underarm, leg & pubic. Skin: Produce more sweat, causing pimples & deodorant is recommended. Menstruation (period): An egg is released about every 28 days (ovulation) & if not fertilized, tissue is flushed out of uterus. Can cause cramping, bloating, headaches, mood swings.

5 Uterus

6 RESPONSIBILITY! “With great power comes great...”

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