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Southwest Desert Indians By Mariah, Cole, Ana, Lauren, Mohammed, and Jordeyn.

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2 Southwest Desert Indians By Mariah, Cole, Ana, Lauren, Mohammed, and Jordeyn

3 Southwest food The Southwest Native Americans ate corn, beans, and squash. These were known as the three sisters. Sometimes they ate goats and pumpkins. Small rabbits could also be food. But corn was the most important crop. They ground corn into a cornmeal and used it to make piki bread.

4 Shelter of the Southwest Indians The Indians of the Southwest desert live in Hogans and Pueblos. Pueblos were built out of mud and clay and made into bricks called adobe. They were built on top of each other like apartments. A ladder was used to get inside. Hogans were made out of sticks and short grasses. The door to a Hogan always faced east to see the rising sun.

5 Southwest clothing The Indians who lived in the Southwest desert wore clothing made from sheep or woven from its wool. In hot weather men wore loinclothes. In colder weather they added leggings, shirts, and moccasins. They often wore jewelry.

6 Important facts The southwest native Americans were excellent weavers and silver smiths. They made jewelry with silver and turquoise. They wove rugs and blankets from goat hair. Kachina dolls represented spirits and were given to children to teach lessons. Men would dress up like kachinas and dance at ceremonies. Other religious meetings took place in an underground room called a kiva. Only men were allowed in the kiva.

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