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. This training does NOT replace the requirement of reading the 2013 DCCM and TELPAS manual.

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2 This training does NOT replace the requirement of reading the 2013 DCCM and TELPAS manual.

3  Raters in grades K-1 will rate ALL LEP identified students: o Reading o Writing o Listening o Speaking  All ratings will be recorded on the Rating Roster, submit the completed roster to the TELPAS campus coordinator. The TELPAS coordinator will submit all rosters to the campus principal for review and signature. TELPAS Manual p. 1

4  Raters in grades 2-12 will rate ALL LEP identified students: o Listening o Speaking o Writing  All ratings will be recorded on the Rating Roster, submit the completed roster to the TELPAS campus coordinator. The TELPAS coordinator will submit all rosters to the campus principal for review and signature. TELPAS Manual p. 1

5  ALL LEP students participate in TELPAS.  RARE Circumstances: o ARD Decision Participation must be considered on a domain-by-domain basis. Blanket exemptions are not allowed. o Extenuating Circumstance Consult with Testing Department and maintain documentation. o Newly Enrolled Student Enrolls on or after March 18, 2013 Do not rate for holistic domains Not assessed for K-1 2-12 required to take Reading Test only TELPAS Manual pp. 2-3, 43

6  The Rating Roster is REQUIRED for TELPAS Ratings.  MUST use the SAISD Rating Roster, as it allows for verification of collaboration. Collaboration should occur to ensure validity and reliability of TELPAS ratings. The student(s) ratings with whom the rater collaborated with another adult may be notated on the rating roster with a check, star, initials, etc.  Collaborating adults sign the Rating Roster form.

7  Develop a system to collect writing samples: o Elementary may have each rater collect writing samples in their self- contained classrooms in labeled and/or colored folders. o Middle/High need a system to collect writing samples from all teachers for identified LEP students. Suggestions: All core teachers assist in providing writing samples Department chairs assist in collection from teachers Create weekly schedule of when teachers provide writing samples

8  Student writing samples collections begin: February 18, 2013  Collect any and all writing done in the classroom with an eye on the requirements below: o One narrative about a past event o At least two academic writing samples o Minimum of 5 samples total in collection TELPAS Manual p. 19-22

9  All writing assignments MUST include the student’s name and date.  Writing assigned on or after FEBRUARY 18 th may be included in the collection.  Photocopies may be included in the writing collections as long as they are clear and legible.  Typed writing samples are allowed ONLY if spell and grammar check are turned off.  All writing should reflect a student’s CURRENT proficiency level. TELPAS Manual p. 19-22

10  Copied language from textbook, lesson, or other written source  Student relies heavily on a dictionary or thesaurus  Papers that show teacher’s corrections  Papers that have been polished through editing by peers, parents, or teachers  Papers in which the student writes primarily in his/her native language  Worksheets or question-answer writing assignments  Papers that are brief, incomplete, or obviously reflect writing that was rushed TELPAS Manual p. 23

11  Raters select the student’s writing samples that meet the criteria to assemble the writing collection.  Attach the Writing Collection Cover Sheet and Verification Checklist Spring 2012 to the selected writing collection. The rater will initial the appropriate column on the verification checklist prior to submitting.  All writing collections are submitted to the TELPAS coordinator.  The TELPAS coordinator will submit the writing collections to the verifier(s), who is responsible in verifying the collection and return them to the coordinator.

12  Select writing collection verifiers.  Writing collection verifiers view the Assembling and Verifying Writing Collections on the training center site PRIOR to verifying writing collections.  Verifiers initial and sign the Verification Cover Sheet and Checklist. Return any collections not verified for the rater to correct and resubmit for verification.  Provide all verified writing collections to the TELPAS coordinator.  TELPAS coordinator will provide the verified collections to the raters for rating and then re-collect to file in the student’s permanent record. TELPAS Manual p. 24

13  Verifier will return writing collections to rater if they do not meet criteria.  Rater is responsible for assembling the writing collection.  Verifier initials and signs verification checklist.  All writing collection verifications MUST be completed PRIOR to rating the student’s writing. TELPAS Manual p. 24

14 Raters may BEGIN rating students in the appropriate domains: March 18, 2013 o K-1—listening, speaking, reading, and writing o 2-12 – listening, speaking and writing Once the rater has completed student ratings, the rater submits the completed roster to the TELPAS coordinator by hand. The TELPAS coordinator is responsible to submit all completed rosters to the campus principal for review and approval.

15  Raters base the student ratings in the various domains using the Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs) and should refer to them when rating students.  Ratings are based on observations of the student in a variety of social and academic settings over time. The writing rating is based on the writing collection.  Proficiency rating is based on where the student performs most consistently.  Collaborate with others for clarification, reliability, and validity.  Follow all procedures for rating students on page 33 in the TELPAS Manual.

16 All Language Domains K-12:  Raters collaborate with others to determine appropriate rating  Additional collaborator signs on Student Rating Roster Form Writing, 2-12 (Middle & High School ONLY):  Each campus must rate 5 student writing collections a second time by a second rater  If ratings differ, raters collaborate to determine final rating  Second rater signs on Student Rating Roster Form DCCM T25 – T26

17  All student information must be 100% correct: o Student name o DOB o PEIMS # o Demographics o Years in U.S. Schools o NEW! Additional Data Collection for LEP students with EXTENUATING NEEDS: Unschooled Asylees/Refugees Limited Prior Schooling Late Arrivals Students with Interrupted Formal Schooling (SIFE) Disabling Condition Student Data Verification Deadline: February 21 st DCCM B3-B4

18  Writing Collections will be individually filed in the student’s permanent LEP folder. Must retain 2 years of writing collections.  Rating Rosters are retained on campus for 1 year. YEARTASK 2013Maintain in student LEP folder 2012Maintain in student LEP folder 2011and olderdestroy DCCM T40

19  KNOW your LEP students.  Create a system for the writing collection.  Train raters and writing verifiers.  Verifiers complete Assembling and Verifying Writing Collections online course.  Monitor rater training and calibrations in TrainingCenter.  Make copies of the SAISD Rating Roster for all TELPAS Raters.  Make copies of the Writing Collection Cover Sheet and Verification Checklist for raters.

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