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Religion in Ancient Greece By: Paula, Juana, Isa & Benja.

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1 Religion in Ancient Greece By: Paula, Juana, Isa & Benja.

2 Juan a RELIGION GODS 1 2 Zeus was the ruler of the gods, he had a lot of family gods. Apollo was the god of the son (Apollo and Artemis were twins). Artemis was the goddess of the moon. Hermes was the god of travel, business, weights, measures and sports.

3 RELIGON GODS 2 Heades was the god of the Underworld, Benja is going to talk more about Hades. Zeus and Heades were brothers. Also Deméter was Zeus sister, Poseidon was Zeus brother,Hera was Zeus wife and Athena was Zeus daughter. Jua na

4 god and goddess poseidon: Was the god of the sea and horces.He was the brother of Zeus.He maked up a storm and created a earthquaked fishe men prayed to him for calm weather. Athena: was the god of wisdom and war.She was the daughter of Zeus.She weres a helmet and caring a pears and shield.She was the patron goddess and her symbol was the owel. Demeter: was the goddess of ageiculture (nature and fruits.She was Zeus sister.was an important goddess for farmers and women. Demeter was also associated with the underworld.

5 gods and goddess Afrodite:Was the goddess of love and beautiful.She was the wife of Hephaistos but was in love with the war god Ares.

6 Parthenon The biggest temple in Acropolis. Athenians dedicated this temple to Athena, the daughter of Zeus, the god of the gods. The east pediment was representing the birth of Athena from the head of Zeus. The west pediment was representing the contest of the gods, Athena and Poseidon, for a possession. Like other Greek temples, the Parthenon was used as a treasury. Parthenon ReligionParthenon Religion Isa.A.D

7 underworld Cerebrus:Cerebrus is the protector of the underworld. His a three headed dog.He has lions claws.Ha has a snake tail Styx:Theres a man on a canoe Charley that takes you to the other shore.Styx means heat River heat.

8 Underworld Radamanthys, Aceus, Minos judges you how you behave well or bad.Many holes on earth are thought that are entrances to the underworld.The normals went to the Asphodel Fields and the victorious people went to Elysian fields Hades:He has a wife called persephone.His brothers are Poseidon and Zeus.He has a house on mount Olympus but it is rare to find him there. MARRIED UNDERWORLD!!! NO GODS EXCEPT HADES

9 Religious Ceremonies the festibals of the gods festival of Dionysus and the new wine. festival of the phratry brotherhood. dramatic festival of Dionysus. festival of games held at EleusisPanathenaea. festival of Apollo and the new harvest. festival of Demeter celebrated by women.

10 RELIGONCEREMONIESRELIGONCEREMONIES The early Greeks personalized every aspect of their world, natural and cultural and their experiences in it. The earth, the sea, the mountains, the rivers and one’s share in society and its goods were all seen in personal as well as naturalistic terms.

11 Priests Priests: Pythia entered to the temple, sat and breath special gasses. After that she said some words that were not easy to understand. Then the priests of the temple told in easy words what Pythia has said to those people who had asked a question. Priests: The Pythia was the priestess of Apollo, the son of Zeus. His twin sister is Artemis. He is the god of music. The god of healing who taught man medicine. The god of light. The god of truth, who can not speak a lie.Artemis

12 Oracle of Delphi The answers were about everything as example: if a farmer worked the land, he can ask the Pythia if the result of the work will be good or not. Oracle of Delphi: In 1400 BC, the Oracle of Delphi was one of the most important temple in all Greece. Delphi was considered to be the center of the world. People came from all over the world to make questions about the future to the Pythia, the priestess of Apollo.

13 We hope U like it

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