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Cycling Badge Part 2 Highway Code Stopping Distances Road Signs Dark/Wet weather safety Helmets.

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2 Cycling Badge Part 2 Highway Code Stopping Distances Road Signs Dark/Wet weather safety Helmets

3 Weather - Dark Put lights on your bike Highway code says you need a white front light, red rear light and a red rear reflector. It also says they must flash between 1 and 4 times per second. The more lights, the better Wear reflective clothing and brighter colours

4 Weather - Wet Wrap up warm – when you are wet, you lose heat a lot quicker Wear a waterproof Fit fenders to your bike to reduce spray from the road. Use lights in the rain Avoid large puddles Most importantly, slow down and plan ahead

5 Car Stopping Distances Stopping requires friction Wet roads have less friction Tyres can float on top of water, called aquaplaning, increasing stopping distance Drivers should slow down in wet weather

6 Car stopping Distances In wet weather, these stopping distances will double. On Ice they are ten times greater

7 Helmets Protect your head if you fall off your bike Made from polystyrene with a shell on top Different designs for different uses i.e. racing You should always wear a helmet while cycling.

8 Road Signs Circular signs give orders – Blue circular signs tell you what you must do – Red circular signs tell you what you must not do Triangular signs give warnings Rectangular signs give information No cyclingAhead Only

9 Cyclist Road Signs Here are four signs that a cyclist should know Route to be used by pedal cycles only Cycle Route Ahead Shared pedal cycle and pedestrian route Recommended Route For cycles

10 Highway Code 24 Rules for Cyclists First rules related to clothing and lighting You must not cycle on the pavement You must obey all traffic signs and laws You should be aware of all around you Ride in single file on narrow or busy roads Considering walking with your bike to avoid roundabouts

11 Highway Code Do not cycle across pedestrian crossings unless the green light shows a bicycle (Toucan crossing), otherwise walk it across. It is advised to make sure your bike is well maintained and fits you. Ensure your brakes are good Fit a bell

12 Quiz Here’s a quick little quiz to see if you’ve been paying attention!!

13 Question 1 Which is the correct combination of lights on a bike for cycling at night? – White front, red rear, red rear reflector – Red front, white rear reflector, red rear – Red reflector front, white and red on rear A A B B C C

14 Question 2 Why do you need to wear a waterproof when cycling in the rain? – To keep warm – You lose more heat when wet – To look cool A A B B C C

15 Question 3 Why do cars take longer to stop on wet roads? – Less friction – They don’t – More friction A A B B C C

16 Question 4 What is a helmet generally made from? – Polyethylene – Polycarbonate – Polystyrene A A B B C C

17 Question 5 What does this sign mean? – Cyclists only – No Cycling – Walk with bike A A B B C C

18 Question 6 What does a triangle sign do? – Give instructions – Give Warnings – Give Information A A B B C C

19 Question 7 How many highway code rules are there for cyclists? – 23 – 25 – 24 A A B B C C

20 Question 8 Can you cycle on pavements? – Yes – No – Sometimes A A B B C C

21 Question 9 Can you cycle over a toucan crossing? – Yes – No – Maybe A A B B C C

22 Question 10 Do you need to wear a helmet? – Yes – No – Maybe A A B B C C

23 Question 11 Why do you need to wear a helmet? – To look cool – To protect your head – You don’t need to A A B B C C

24 Question 12 Which of the following should you not do when cycling in the wet? – Slow down – Ride through deep puddles – Look ahead A A B B C C

25 Wrong Wrong! Try again! Qn. 1 Qn. 2 Qn. 3 Qn. 4 Qn. 8 Qn. 10 Qn. 11 Qn. 12 Qn. 7 Qn. 6 Qn. 5 Qn. 9

26 Correct Correct! Next Question Qn. 1 Qn. 2 Qn. 3 Qn. 4 Qn. 8 Qn. 10 Qn. 11 Qn. 12 Qn. 7 Qn. 6 Qn. 5 Qn. 9

27 Well done! You’ve passed the Theory side of the cycling badge Next step is to plan and do a 40km bike ride. We will do this after New Year.

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