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First Aid Manual for students- cyclists and basic safety rules while riding a bike guigu.

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1 First Aid Manual for students- cyclists and basic safety rules while riding a bike guigu

2 What is First Aid ? First Aid – is an immediate and temporary care given to a victim of an accident or sudden illness before the services of a physician is obtained.

3 Basic First Aid Rules 1.Do not get excited. First, check for danger and then check for responsiveness. Determine whether the victim is conscious. If the victim is conscious, ask him what happened and what is wrong now. If the victim is unconscious, proceed to check the airway, breathing and circulation. Commence resuscitation as appropriate

4 2.Do not move injured victim unless it is necessary. If necessary to move a casualty, seek assistance if possible and handle gently. 3.Keep the victim lying down with his head level with his feet while being examined. 4.Keep the victim warm and comfortable. Remove enough clothing to get a clear. To get a clear idea to get a clear idea to the extent of the injury.

5 5. Examined the victim gently. Treat the most urgent injuries first and then treat the other injuries to the best of your ability. 6.Avoid allowing the victim to see his own injury. Assure him that his condition is understood and that he will receive good care.

6 7. Do not try to give any solid or liquid substance by mouth to an unconscious victim nor to a victim who has sustained an injury. 8. Do not touch open wounds or burns with fingers or other objects except when sterile compresses or bandages are not available and it is absolutely necessary to stop bleeding.

7 9.Do not try to arouse an unconscious person. 10.Seek medical attention immediately.

8 Safety tips for cyclists

9 1. Four Basic Safety Tips Here are four basic bicycling tips: 1, Maintain control of your bicycle. 2, Protect yourself–reduce the risk of head injury by always wearing a helmet. 3, Be visible, alert, and communicate your intentions. 4, Ride with traffic.

10 Maintain Control of Your Bicycle There are many things you can do to control your bicycle, even in an emergency. First, ensure your bicycle is the right size and properly adjusted to fit you. A properly fitted bicycle is easier to control, more comfortable, and causes less fatigue. A bicycle shop can help you choose the correct size bicycle. Ensure your bicycle is in good working order by inspecting it regularly.

11 Protect Yourself Even a simple fall can cause a life threatening head injury. The brain is fragile and often does not heal the way that broken bones can. The damage can stay with you for life. Properly fitted helmets provide protection. By law, bicycle riders under 18 years of age must wear a bicycle helmet while riding on a public road


13 Be visible Using lights and reflectors at night is the law During darkness, bicyclists must have the following equipment: A front lamp emitting a white light visible from a distance of 300 feet. A rear red reflector visible from a distance of 500 feet.

14 A white or yellow reflector on each pedal or on the bicyclist’s shoes or ankles visible from a distance of 200 feet. A brake which will enable the operator to make a one brake wheel stop on dry, level, clean pavement. Increase your visibility by wearing light or bright colored clothes, such as yellow or lime green


16 Ride With Traffic Ride in the same direction as traffic. This will make you more visible to drivers entering roads or changing lanes, because they will know where to look for possible conflicts. On a one- way street, you may ride on the left as long as you are riding with traffic.

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