Grade 7 French Immersion Ste-Anne’s Trip Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 7 French Immersion Ste-Anne’s Trip Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 7 French Immersion Ste-Anne’s Trip Information

2 When? Trip Dates: May 5-7, M-W

3 How much? $200 per student ($15 less than last year). Includes: Transportation by charter bus, lodging at the University, meals (except lunch on travel days), sports activities, entertainment, University facility use.

4 Payment Plan Options Option #1: one lump sum payment on April 17 Option #2: 3 payment plan March 14 ($100), March 28 ($50) and April 11 ($50) Cheques payable to HT Barrett Junior High

5 Important Forms (distribution) Consent Form – for participation Student Health Form Including the Emergency medical treatment consent.

6 Materials Needed Personal Items (towels, face cloth, soap, toothbrush etc.), school supplies, clothing, sports equipment (frisbee, glove, ball etc.), food (bagged lunch for day one travel, room snacks), spending money.

7 Student Expectations French Activity participation Curfew School rules University rules Bus expectations

8 Schools participating during the week of May 5-7 Sackville Heights Madeline Symonds Leslie Thomas Gaetz Brook H.T. Barrett A.J. Smeltzer

9 Teacher chaperones HRSB ratio for overnight trips is 10:1  Mademoiselle Chisholm  Monsieur Moore  Mademoiselle Sampson  Plus one more adult – contact

10 Day 1  Charter bus pick up at HTBJH  Departure (2 nd school stop possible)  Grand Pre  Lunch  Arrival  Installation time and welcoming activities  Se coucher

11 Day 2  Rise and Shine  Breakfast  Classes  Lunch  Group Activities  Supper  Cultural Activities  Se coucher

12 Day 3  Rise and shine  Breakfast  Group activities  Departure  Lunch in New Minas area  Arrival at HTBJH (to be communicated by Mr. Moore to Mr. Lee)

13 Questions?

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